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@ilr Trump does tiny bits. He can't do much since US is a capitalist by nature & they love billionaires coming out of garages . Modi on the other hand is not even selling off useless cos. He just talks of Air India & BPCL. Transfers money from one pocket to another. Even in Kerala State PSUs have been sold off! Then he wants to do everything. Give 6k to farmers build toilets, etc. Latest is he is trying to stall RIL from selling a stake in Oil biz to ARAMCO! Typical commie attitude !

Jeet Sidhu : Deflation is the only acceptable monetary policy for a free society

Inflation is a powerful tool to shield the government and their closest allies in the business world from competition in the rest of society. It puts a brake on social mobility so the rich stay rich and and the poor stay poor.

@ilr Modi is more commie than real commies in India 🤪🤪🤪🤪... Trump is not one of you ask me

@TheSecularOne if you’re trying to rig interest rates and even go for -ve rates you’re a commie in our book.

@TheSecularOne There's a very thin line between "left" and "commie". And those categories include almost anyone in politics right now, including Modi and Trump

"The difference between the left and the right is that the left believes in Santa Claus and the right believes in God" - C. Gave

"The worst thing that can happen to a socialist is to have his country ruled by socialists who are not his friends" - Mises

This Christmas, Let’s Celebrate a Different Scrooge: Scrooge McDuck

Scrooge McDuck is the perfect type of a miser: a capitalist-entrepreneur — and the most philanthropic duck in Duckburg.

The Christmas Truce of World War I

Never forget the Christmas truce of World War I, when troops refused to be pawns of empire for one blessed day.

PSA : All dictators are the same. They're not Hindu, they're not Muslims, they're a bunch of sick sociopaths.

PSA : All dictators are the same. They're not Hindu, they're not Muslims, they're a bunch of sick sociopaths.

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