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@kannan what you are saying is somebody else should "bail you out" if you can't make it. Sure, but that cannot be a "right".
The "nation" has to be consensual, otherwise is part of the "we" scam. There is no "we" and when "we" is used it's generally used for further robbery.


Here is a classic explanation from Ludwig von Mises in his magnum opus titled “Liberalism”. this is fake keynesian economics. Demand does not create growth. Here’s a primer: this is fake keynesian economics. Demand does not create growth. Here’s a primer:

Understanding deflation

The fewer non-productive bubble activities we have, the better it is for those activities that actually crate wealth. But attempts to reverse deflation with new money creation only create new bubbles.

@Deepsealioness These demands for "equality" are what got you here in the first place... ask for liberty and see the magic

Aditya and Nandini Learn About the Law (A Children’s Story)

“Yes Aditya, goondas steal things. That is called robbery. And when the bad people in government do it, it is called legal robbery”.

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