Nicolas Taleb : "‘Bitcoin removes [government] from the transaction...They’re trying to ‘ban bitcoin’ because they’re afraid of it. It’s important for us [the Lebanese] from now on to learn about crypto. Our collective intelligence is greater than the state’s"
Learn to bitcoin before you become the next Lebanon / Venezuela.
Jeff Deist : Austrian economics (and liberty) looks for hope in the East
The twenty-first century Misesian model encourages and nurtures the vital intermediary institutions of society, including faith and family, and rejects libertine culture.
@TheSecularOne its not only about modi btw, the entire political class has been corrupted by fake keynesian economics spread by academics. Its just like our history problem. We’re trying to reverse that by restoring sound economics.
@ilr I have always maintained Modi is more commie that Commies. He is only transfering money between pockets. Never sold even a notebook! Now they plan selling BPCL & Air India. Let's see !!
THREAD. If any of you thought that #Modi was not a #socialist , please read this article. Maybe we'll find similarities with that other Keynesian called Swamy too !
The Difference Between Investing & Speculation
If you run out of chips, you are out of the game.
Facebook Bans All Content On Vaccine Awareness, Including Facts About Vaccine Ingredients
The tech giants are now moving aggressively to ban all speech that contradicts whatever “official” position is decided to be “the truth” by the corrupt establishment.
[VIDEO] Economics in One Lesson : That Which is Seen, and That Which is Not Seen
Henry Hazlitt and Frédéric Bastiat show us the difference between good and bad economics. Learn Austrian Economics in a fun way!
@rajagopal yes
Inflation versus Morality
The long-term trend in inflation is toward less work and production, and more speculation and gambling.
Anti-Farmer Laws Are the Cause of Farmer Suicides
Part 1 of our series of Articles on Anti-Farmer laws, based on the book the Amar Habib.
Behavioral Economics Isn’t Very Useful
Behavioral economists are masters of comparing apples to oranges and dressing up incorrect statements in fancy language and mathematics.
George Orwell: Politics and the English Language
A classic essay by George Orwell, to be read and reread.
Jeff Deist : Austrian economics (and liberty) looks for hope in the East
The twenty-first century Misesian model encourages and nurtures the vital intermediary institutions of society, including faith and family, and rejects libertine culture.
@bharatvarma @vidyut We also recommend self defence training and weapons.
We don't need Javdekar or his tax slaves ministry to restore our GREAT INDIAN CIVILIZATION.
What we need is a return to SOUND MONEY.
Mises India on the JNU Drama : Dismantle the government’s monopoly on education !
The price of education is high in India because the demand for education far outstrips its supply.
[VIDEO] Wall Street’s Role in the Russian Revolution
It is a little known fact that western bankers financed, and were the chief promoters of, the Bolshevik Revolution.
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