About this #JNU drama. Here's a suggestion.
All the students' "supporters" raise the money for educating and housing the students on GoFundMe.
100 % tax deduction for money paid into that fund.
And no more subsidies.
Deal ?
This is not merely about getting subsidies, its about protecting a constitutional right. Why we need a government or constitution if we can do everything in parallel?
1/ Precisely, we don't think we even need a govt / constitution.
2/ Any right "to" something (such as medicine, food or education) is a right to require SOMEONE else to part with his labour. We do not believe in any such "positive" rights.
I don't think our people have grown to a status where positive rights can be ignored. Tragically, people misunderstand #rights with #freeloading.
@kannan freeloading is a natural consequence of welfare. We understand the the very poor need to be helped. But that used to happen with private charity in the good old days. Welfare (and the taxes that come with it) reduce the incentive for private charity. See our Resources page for more.
@kannan if the concept of nation came from "collective existence when individual existence is difficult", why is it that no entity can secede from the nation ?
Well, at least, by theory, we are still a democracy, we elect our law makers. That's the closest to make a consensual choice in a society. And the concept of nation in modern world doesn't come just from wars, but from the collective existence when individual existence is difficult. And the constitution could've took a different form, but it is not a business contract, it cares about life of individuals irrespective of their status.