
Strength was implied by the equally choreographed demonstrations of #debasement. #NikkiHaley, who had repeatedly questioned whether #Trump is “mentally fit” …& had declared that “the first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate” will win the #election—offered her “strong endorsement.” The VP nom, #JDVance, who previously compared Trump to #Hitler & described him as “cultural heroin,” performed a kind of kowtow, appearing at the convention in the form of supplicant, acolyte, prodigal son.

KenyaCoin ☑️

Why Kenya Cannot Print More Money To Pay Off Debts

In this article:
- Effects of printing more money to the economy
- How Monetary Policy controls money supply
- Have you heard about Qualitative Easing?
- How Fiscal Policy controls money supply
- Can Kenya print more money to pay her debts

#Bitcoin :bitcoin: :Kenya 🇰🇪 #Debasement #Currency #CentralBank #CBK #QuantitativeEasing #FiscalPolicy #MoneySupply #Inflation #GDP #CNY #China 🇨🇳 #WaruhiuFranklin #KenyanWallStreet

Why Kenya Cannot Print More Money To Pay Off Debts - Kenyan Wallstreet

If you have been on social media the past week or so…

Kenyan Wallstreet
KenyaCoin ☑️

The Marathon Ethiopia And Bitcoin

"Even as regulators and lawmen use sticks of persuasion, citizens boldly send and #stack #sats. If you thought laser-eyed fund managers in the West were bullish, you haven’t met 23 year-old #Ethiopian freelancers [...]".

"The Ethiopian #Birr, at roughly 20% per year, is #debased through a variety of factors."

#Bitcoin :bitcoin: #Inflation #Ethiopia 🇪🇹 #Africa 🌍#Currency #Debasement #Diaspora #CurrencyControls #KalKassa #BitcoinMagazine

The Marathon: Ethiopia And Bitcoin

The African country is primed to embrace bitcoin, culturally…
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