Also Washington Post writes about the Tesla strike here in Sweden (with support from some other countries. #tesla #union #strike #sweden
I don't know who needs to hear this, but Full Circle Magazine, which just published its 200th monthly online edition, is in desperate need of authors. If you're into open source or want to talk about anything even remotely Ubuntu based (they also cover all the distros that are Ubuntu based, such as Mint and Zorin), write to
There is no pay involved, but you can definitely get some exposure if you're new to the writing game.
Ska jag vara orolig för denna reglering som EU arbetar med?
Statement about the EU Cyber Resilience Act.
Angående problemen som det kan skapa för fria (och öppna) programvaror (som Mastodon är ett exempel på).
Debian är bekymrade, det gör att jag känner mig bekymrad. (Debian är projektet/organisationen bakom en av de riktigt stora när det gäller Linux operativsystem för datorer såsom servrar och persondatorer.
Statement about the EU Cyber Resilience Act
I am engaged in a bug report as an end user for a free and open source software that started half a year ago. A couple of days ago one of the developers needed som further investigation to nail down the root cause. I have submitted some test results, it was testing that required beyond my comfortable knowledge level. I could do a small contribution to make the software better. Openness and collaboration; strengths of open source! #openSource #FOSS #collaboration
Smile and sing along with me! An old favorite.
Hacking a Philips toothbrush head to allow you to use it beyond its normal lifetime. Yes, the toothbrush _head_ is hackable. This is a fantastic tale of reverse engineering. Be sure to read the followup at the bottom of the article.
Teslas avtal drabbar anställd – inkallad till HR efter tweet
Weekly Linux and open source news, in 10 minutes or less, no ads, no chatter.
Det var ett nyhetsinslag häromdagen på SVT med Johan Ripås från Niger. Det handlade om Frankrikes kraftiga postkoloniala inflytande i landet. Bland annat en aktivist för att få bort Frankrike intervjuades. Han såg Ryssland och inte minst Putin som det stora hoppet för Niger. Reportaget gav mig en insikt och reflektion om hur, och varför, man kan ha en helt annan syn på Putin än vad jag har.
Paradigmskifte, sa Bill.
Paradigmskifte, sa Bull.
Mat och tro.
Muslim och kristen.
Olika och lika.
Lyssna och berätta. Respekt.
Två vänner.
"Att så många är så mycket mer intresserade av var man kommer ifrån än vart man är på väg." Intervju med Centerpartiets partiledare. #svpol
If I have to buy a modern car (which means any EV unless conversion of an old one), I want one built with free or libre open source software. How long will I have to wait?
Får det lov att vara lite juleton!
Engineer with University Diploma in Human Rights & Democracy. Job competence: Component Engineer; fiber optics and more components, Component Handling Process and IT System owner. Linux, open source, photography and religion to mention a few interest areas. Joomla for web sites. English and Swedish. Located in Sweden. DM inactivated.
#HumanRights #Democracy #ComponentEngineer #FiberOptics #FibreOptics #Linux #LinuxMint #Joomla #OpenSource #Photography #Religion #Engineer