When I talk about the importance of going all in on the Fediverse, I speak based on experience.
At Opera we built a massive user community. When I quit, we had something like 35 million registered users and 35 million monthly visitors.
The new Opera management did not see the value of that. They believed it was cheaper and better to just use Facebook and that investing in your own community was a waste of money. So they closed down MyOpera and built a following on Facebook and Twitter instead. Then they got caught by the bait and switch when Facebook changed and you would no longer reach your audience, without paying. Later on Twitter changed as well.
This is important to explain to companies and institutions as they go shopping for social media sites to invest in. The best investment is clearly in your own site, being part of the Fediverse. It is not even all that expensive to do. It may take longer to build, but at least it is your own.
Not saying you cannot build a following on those other sites, but your long term strategy should be the Fediverse with your own server.
We try to lead the way here and thus we build Vivaldi Social. Not just for our selves, but to make a point and support the Fediverse.
"While the FCC is an independent agency overseen by Congress, Trump has intimated he wants greater control over the regulator to use them to punish TV networks that he claims cover him unfairly."
Quote from a Lightwave news article. Lightwave is a magazine/site for optical and other broadband communication (I'm a long time reader).
Motvalls Henrik.
the fediverse now has a fast growing TikTok alternative: https://loops.video
While it remains in a pre-release beta state atm, we are testing federation and will be releasing full federation support, along with the source code once stable.
And we expect by this time next month, you will have a bright, shiny and easy to install TikTok alternative under your tree 🎄
Spread the word. Loops has arrived.
Full Circle Weekly News #393
Weekly Linux and open source news in 15 minutes or less: no ads, no chatter.
If I want to create and share video, which service(s)/platform(s)/software(s) do you use or recommend, if I want to avoid YouTube and similar closed products? I have no immediate need. #opensource
Tidningsrubrik man längtat efter:
Texas hoppas på en ny oljeboom med Trump i Vita huset.
I believe you also have noticed that rubberized tools can get very sticky if not used for a while. Recent exemples from my life is a computer mouse and radio nobs, not used for a couple of years. Any trick to get rid of it? When it is in daily usage this does not happen, is it because I rob it off with my hand and fingers all the time?
ActivityPub Starter Kits update:
I'm making exceptional progress and am wrapping up a few things before I prepare to launch this exciting new service!
ICYMI: I'm building an open source/self-hostable Starter Kit service that will allow fediverse users to safely build kits and share/use them with ease.
An excellent layperson's breakdown of how Bluesky works, beneath the hood ...
... specifically, what's decentralized about it (content storage, for now) and what, for now, isn't (the part that queries for updates in user's posts, and then assembles it into a feed)
via @pluralistic
Now I've recorded, edited and uploaded a new pod episode for Hacker Public Radio. It will be aired 28 November.
Learn about Hacker Public Radio at: https://hackerpublicradio.org/
Nu är jag bara en tidningsläsare och inte en tidningsmakare, men jag tycker artikelrubriken som kom för en halvtimme sedan är för dyster. Eller vad tycker du?
"Michael Winiarski: För lite och för sent för att rädda Ukraina"
I Attended Google’s Creator Conversation Event, And It Turned Into A Funeral
the funeral appears to be Google's
DigiKam 8.5.0 is released! Professional Photo Management with the Power of Open Source.
Available for Windows, macOS and Linux. For Linux, I recommend to use the AppImage from the team, see their download page.
I use digiKam as my photo catalog manager and for other photo tasks. I also use some other photo tools, but digiKam is the center for my digital photo management.
I samband med att jag gick mänskliga rättighetskursen Integritet, teknik och övervakning såg jag den tyska filmen De andras liv.
Filmen utspelar sig i DDR (Östtyskland) 1984 och handlar om övervakningssamhället genom Stasi.
En jobbig film som jag tycker är mycket bra. Den finns på SVT Play nu.
Eftertankens kranka blekhet: https://www.dn.se/varlden/muslimska-trumpvaljare-besvikna-over-ministrar/ #uspol
Jag tänker på när Botkyrkabyggen hade bioreklam om att hyra hos dem. Och i tidsperioeden då de kunde plugga igen en trea till en tvåa, jag tror det gällde Albydelen av beståndet, som man sedan kunde öppna om man ville ha större. En tid när det var så många tomma lägenheter hos Botkyrkabyggen. Jag tror det var något efter jag började hyra hos Botkyrkabyggen dvs mitten av 80-talet, en opluggad två. Apropå Norra B, så är det nu 30 år sedan Välkommen till förorten kom ut, förtäljde Kulturnyheterna.
Engineer with University Diploma in Human Rights & Democracy. Job competence: Component Engineer; fiber optics and more components, Component Handling Process and IT System owner. Linux, open source, photography and religion to mention a few interest areas. Joomla for web sites. English and Swedish. Located in Sweden. DM inactivated.
#HumanRights #Democracy #ComponentEngineer #FiberOptics #FibreOptics #Linux #LinuxMint #Joomla #OpenSource #Photography #Religion #Engineer