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If I want to create and share video, which service(s)/platform(s)/software(s) do you use or recommend, if I want to avoid YouTube and similar closed products? I have no immediate need.

I believe you also have noticed that rubberized tools can get very sticky if not used for a while. Recent exemples from my life is a computer mouse and radio nobs, not used for a couple of years. Any trick to get rid of it? When it is in daily usage this does not happen, is it because I rob it off with my hand and fingers all the time?

ActivityPub Starter Kits update:

I'm making exceptional progress and am wrapping up a few things before I prepare to launch this exciting new service!

ICYMI: I'm building an open source/self-hostable Starter Kit service that will allow fediverse users to safely build kits and share/use them with ease.

#starterKits #activityPub #fediverse #onboarding

An excellent layperson's breakdown of how Bluesky works, beneath the hood ...

... specifically, what's decentralized about it (content storage, for now) and what, for now, isn't (the part that queries for updates in user's posts, and then assembles it into a feed)

via @pluralistic

Now I've recorded, edited and uploaded a new pod episode for Hacker Public Radio. It will be aired 28 November.

Learn about Hacker Public Radio at:

Nu är jag bara en tidningsläsare och inte en tidningsmakare, men jag tycker artikelrubriken som kom för en halvtimme sedan är för dyster. Eller vad tycker du?

"Michael Winiarski: För lite och för sent för att rädda Ukraina"

I Attended Google’s Creator Conversation Event, And It Turned Into A Funeral

the funeral appears to be Google's

208. You remember that wavelength? Or the 1440 frequency.

DigiKam 8.5.0 is released! Professional Photo Management with the Power of Open Source.

Available for Windows, macOS and Linux. For Linux, I recommend to use the AppImage from the team, see their download page.

I use digiKam as my photo catalog manager and for other photo tasks. I also use some other photo tools, but digiKam is the center for my digital photo management.

I samband med att jag gick mänskliga rättighetskursen Integritet, teknik och övervakning såg jag den tyska filmen De andras liv.

Filmen utspelar sig i DDR (Östtyskland) 1984 och handlar om övervakningssamhället genom Stasi.

En jobbig film som jag tycker är mycket bra. Den finns på SVT Play nu.

Jag tänker på när Botkyrkabyggen hade bioreklam om att hyra hos dem. Och i tidsperioeden då de kunde plugga igen en trea till en tvåa, jag tror det gällde Albydelen av beståndet, som man sedan kunde öppna om man ville ha större. En tid när det var så många tomma lägenheter hos Botkyrkabyggen. Jag tror det var något efter jag började hyra hos Botkyrkabyggen dvs mitten av 80-talet, en opluggad två. Apropå Norra B, så är det nu 30 år sedan Välkommen till förorten kom ut, förtäljde Kulturnyheterna.

If you are an editor of a magazine whose readers include people who are worried about keeping themselves and their loved ones safe in the upcoming Trump administration, I know a lot about this, I am here to give tech advice, and I care about reaching people who don't read EFF blog posts.

Big News

Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF) has just launched its own dedicated Mastodon server,

Now all FPF-related activity on Mastodon is now accessible from a single Fediverse server: @securedrop @dangerzone @foiafeed

Hopefully this move will be an example to other organizations. "The Fediverse is nonalgorithmic and community-driven, without the potential algorithmic distortions or content suppression imposed by centralized platforms."

IT-systemet Millennium är nog inte byggt med öppen källkod.

Now I was close to use Google translate again, but I stopped myself in time to instead open my paper book dictionary to look up the translation.

Without notice or explanation, Apple reportedly pulls Russians' access to podcasts by independent journalists at The Insider, Echo of Moscow, and BBC Russian. Not a good look, fruit company.

My mate @kevie is a nae bad lad, & recorded a show for Hacker Public Radio:
hpr4249 :: Audio Streams on the Command Line
He was very clear & concise on the subject.
Let's give the terminal some love!
#HPR #CommandLine #Terminal

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