"Licence key for online services has expired". Owner of Kia Sportage 2016 car got this message when the 7 year warranty had expired. Map system could not be updated any more. Furthermore, the online services cannot be extended after 7 years, the owner was informed. Even if map is not essential for driving a car, it is crazy a 7 year old car is too old. I wonder, when is essential software not possible to update any longer. Cars are the new smartphones. Ref Vi Bilägare 9/2023, reader's corner.
When I cleanup in my e-mail accounts by deleting and when relevant save a file or move the e-mails to local folder on my own disc only - I wonder how much energy I save per e-mail/byte when the data is not stored (also) on a server that is always on (with backups). #sustainability
Remember! All data a cloud service provider has access to is data that can leak due to a misconfiguration or an intrusion.
Jag prenumererar på Kinamedias nyhetsbrev. Ett av mina sätt att hålla lite koll på nyheter om Kina och till viss del omnejd och samtidigt stödja journalism (utöver vanliga tidningar/tidskrifter). Jag tycker Kinamedia är bra. Just nu har sommarkampanj för att prenumerera: https://kinamedia.se/2023/07/13/prenumerera-pa-kinamedia-nyhetsbrev-och-fa-en-bok-pa-kopet/
When I get my e-mails from LinkedIn; because you visited the profile of xxx, read the post by yyy, there is no doubt they perfectly know what I do on their platform. #LinkedIn
Given everything that happened to #RedHat under #IBM’s control, it makes me very uneasy that #Microsoft owns #GitHub… I pessimistically predict this will be the next big blow to #OpenSource that we’ll have to recover from.
digiKam 8.1.0 released:
Well well, let's see if I have any success with my suggestion in Joomla Issue Tracker. https://issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/41156 #joomla #cms #opensource #foss
Today I read a couple of more pages of this nice book I bought a while ago. Like another reader wrote, this book is like fine chocolate, you eat a bite at a time. I keep recommending this book! #books
Episode 148! @katherined and @dsearls talk to David Kirichenko about #Ukraine, #journalism, troll farms and #disinformation in times of war.
Visit the following link for full episode - https://www.reality2cast.com/148
E-mails that are in a sort of archive status. If I only need to access them from one machine (or store on eg a NAS) and keep baclups as always for everything. Is there any drawback to move them to a local folder? #email #thunderbird
New 1Password features unlocked.
We’ve been working hard to make improvements to our apps and browser extensions so you can enjoy a more secure, streamlined, and convenient experience whenever you use 1Password:
🌎 Enhanced browsing experience
🏷️ Save new items to the correct account
🏡 Manage accounts directly from the app
🪄 Create, save, and sign in with passkeys, and more
Here’s what we’ve been up to: https://blog.1password.com/new-features-unlocked-summer-2023/
Jag minns när Folkpartiets ledare Bengt Westerberg reste sig ur TV-soffan och gick därifrån i direktsänd valvaka när Ny Demokrati kom in och satte sig. Man kan diskutera lämpligheten i agerandet. Men likväl beundrar jag honom för det. Och jag önskar att jag finge se någon liknande reaktion från dagens Liberalerna, och för all del från flera andra partier också, gentemot Sverigedemokrati som är dagens motsvarighet till Ny Demokrati.
Är det någon här som använder GnuCash för svenska förhållanden? https://www.gnucash.org/ #gnucash #opensource #foss
Engineer with University Diploma in Human Rights & Democracy. Job competence: Component Engineer; fiber optics and more components, Component Handling Process and IT System owner. Linux, open source, photography and religion to mention a few interest areas. Joomla for web sites. English and Swedish. Located in Sweden. DM inactivated.
#HumanRights #Democracy #ComponentEngineer #FiberOptics #FibreOptics #Linux #LinuxMint #Joomla #OpenSource #Photography #Religion #Engineer