@karlemilnikka Can you share a link to Nextcloud's bad E2EE marketing? Or anything that explains issues etc with E2EE using Nextcloud? It would be appreciated for my learning.
Det var en uppfriskande partiledardebatt i SVT i afton. #svpol
Facebook does not have full control over me! For the last days my login to Fb has located me to Moscow. I do not mind. I know where I am. It is not there, not IRL nor via VPN. #privacy
The big banquet begins and I am not invited! But at least I have been celebrated including nice dinner in the same room once, although of a different reason. :-) So I know the place if I ever will be invited or become a laureate...! Congratulations to all laureates! https://twitter.com/HHemrin/status/675378263066337281
@shawnp0wers I like that comparison.
@shawnp0wers You also get proposals from e-mailers if they can write an article on your site, or suggest a site for you to mention in an article?
Apple products are of good quality and generally works well, simply works (the combo of hw+os+sw included). But it is difficult when you want to modify any of them or understand how they work. And now all my hw from Apple are outdated, ie cannot use latest os releases. I am not saying competing os support hw for longer period - when linux is not counted, of course. #apple
Märkligt framträdande av Putin. https://www.dn.se/varlden/putin-forsvarar-kritiserade-attackerna-vem-borjade/ #Putin
Is ”fika” the first word and activity foreigners learn about Swedes and Sweden? #fika
By recommendation here at Mastodon, I watched the interview with Jens Stoltenberg, the Nato-boss. Interview is done in Norweigan, at NRK (Norsk Rikskringkasting). Although I do not speak Norweigan, I understand to 95% with my Swedish ears and brain. It's so nice our languages are so close to each other. Danish is also close, but Icelandic more far away (but closer to origin). Nordic! Interview at the beginning of the show: https://tv.nrk.no/serie/lindmo/2022/MUHU15006422/avspiller
@zaivala ...I don't subscribe to anything on youtube... maybe I should. Or, I think it is possible to subscribe via rss, I haven't tried that yet.
@kallekn "Så länge Natochefen nynnar är det som kanariefågeln i gruvan, det finns hopp!"
@shawnp0wers Oh, that was something. But good natural ventilation. No, we do not really have those here; mobile homes in form of a sort of "caravan-truck" (we call them "housecar"), for holiday travel gains popularity and a few live in them permanently. (your window memories resembles somewhat about the poor windows in England eg some hotels, and the thick carpets they have on the floor for a good reason.)
@shawnp0wers Yep, I prefer it on that side.
Undrar hur en fotbollsmatch skulle se ut om det också var stilpoäng under matchen och inte bara mål som räknades. Alltså lite som backhoppning; hopplängd i kombination med genomförandet. #fotboll
Install open source solar power at home | Opensource.com
https://opensource.com/article/22/12/open-source-solar-power-home #solar #offgrid #opensource
By the way, I use RSS to subscribe to Doc Searls blog. I use Thunderbird to read my RSS feeds. RSS is so easy, simple and powerful to use to subscribe on my own conditions to content I am interested in and get notified when there is new content. #RSS #subscribe #thunderbird #blog
Engineer with University Diploma in Human Rights & Democracy. Job competence: Component Engineer; fiber optics and more components, Component Handling Process and IT System owner. Linux, open source, photography and religion to mention a few interest areas. Joomla for web sites. English and Swedish. Located in Sweden. DM inactivated.
#HumanRights #Democracy #ComponentEngineer #FiberOptics #FibreOptics #Linux #LinuxMint #Joomla #OpenSource #Photography #Religion #Engineer