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Starting into my third week, and my #pinetime is at 48% charge. #infinitime v1.13 has been an amazing release.

This is scary. It's (strong) SafetyNet for websites.

Every now and then I run into another Android app I can no longer run because someone decided my phone, running an official build of my choice of OS, that isn't even rooted, is "not trustable".

Now they want to start doing that for websites.

This kills open Linux on the desktop (including Asahi Linux). It kills alternative browsers. It is a backdoor to kill ad blockers.

No. Just no. Please.

This week, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals made clear that linking does not constitute infringement, and kept in place an important test to determine under what circumstances entities can be held liable for displaying copyrighted content online.

New #Linux and #OpenSource News video!

In this one, we have the Cyber Resiliency Act, a new EU set of regulations that might seriously harm Open Source software, we have repairable laptops from #Framework and (in the future) from #Lenovo, and we have some big performance improvements for #Intel GPUs on Linux:

Die Kapitänin der Neuseeländischen Frauennationalmannschaft hebelt das "Regenbogenverbot" der FIFA geschickt mit lackierten Nägeln in 🏳️‍⚧️- und 🏳️‍🌈-Farben aus 😁.
Na, die Frauen haben, im Gegensatz zu den Männern in Katar letzten Jahres halt wirklich 🥚🥚

Nurses went on strike.

Then graduate students.

Then school teachers.

Now it’s hotel employees, writers, and actors.

UPS drivers and auto workers may be next.

Many strikes, similar story:

Workers are sick and tired of billionaires and corporations hoarding wealth and power.

Still can’t get over the fact that an editor of the Financial Times said that we need to do away with #capitalism in order to deal with the #climate. If that’s no a sign of mainstream economics/finance finally waking up to the reality of the situation we’re in, I don’t now what is.

@kop316 or phone number i have stoppeed giving merchants my phone number or a random phone number so stripe doesnt track every purchase, though that said banks already do that i assume- they are more sneaky about it though

@kop316 or phone number i have stoppeed giving merchants my phone number or a random phone number so stripe doesnt track every purchase, though that said banks already do that i assume- they are more sneaky about it though

@joeycastillo its inevitable humanity will split in the future, those that believe in in biological, cybernetic, and full upload virtual abstraction technology, i think maybe 1000 years from now? The reason humanity will split is because of different values. Likely these same humans will go to war against each other or at least dont trust each other very much. Seems baked into our nature to stamp out the other.

Found time to work on this again: a new conversation view using one webview. Current code uses a webview per message.

Geary 44 has just been released, I hope to finish this for Geary 45.

#geary #gnome

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