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It took me way longer than it should have, so I'm gonna share in case any other Angular beginner needs this.

If you want to render a property binding that contains HTML instead of plain text, use the innerHTML property:
<div [innerHTML]="page.attributes.body.processed"></div>

The property binding is now rendered as HTML inside the div (replace "page.attributes.body.processed" to your needs).

Leb wohl #Google! Ein schöner Beitrag aus der #taz, der nochmal aufzeigt, wie mächtig Google geworden ist und warum es wichtig ist, Alternativen bekannter zu machen und zu nutzen.!

Happy New Year! May 2020 bring happiness for us and freedom to our devices.

@purism started selling a server powered by coreboot. I'm rather tempted to buy myself something nice for Christmas...

We pay a living wage bonus to the people who make our phone. That should not be revolutionary.
#WeAreFairphone and we #DareToCare

Meet the makers - more news coming soon 🙌

Sweden has concluded that the US Cloud Act is incompatible with the #GDPR - this means that putting private customer or user data with a US cloud provider is not legal. #DigitalSovereignty

Giving presents to someone who cares about Soft- and Hardware Freedom is difficult. The Free Software Foundation’s Ethical Tech Giving Guide can help you to find the perfect gift.

“Facebook and Google must not be allowed to dictate how we live online. [...] Now it is time to reclaim this vital public space”—Amneststy International even says it’s a human rights issue.

Tables for mobile are a pain. CSS-Tricks shows an elegant solution to get your tables mobile friendly w/o JavaScript:

Just the fear of #surveillance can turn us into self-censors and stop us from exercising intellectual freedom and curiosity.

If we think we're being watched, our behavior changes.

Let's choose an internet free of mass surveillance. #TakeBacktheInternet

The FSF's Respects Your Freedom Certification has a brand new, stand-alone website. On a side note: it's always nice to see Drupal in the wild 😉

Over the past quarter we have, for the first time, sustained an editing rate of over 100,000,000 edits per month! Stats are newly updated at:

Twitter stopped political advertising. Since political ads are not contributing to opinion making, but only helping those with money to target a very specific audience, this is definitely the right decision.

Today is the Day against #DRM! Join us and the in raising awareness about digital restrictions #IDAD

Pretty cool: Rwanda launches first 'Made in Africa' smartphones. Let's hope a build will follow! ist zurück.

Die Schweizer Freedomvote-Kampagne verfolgt das Ziel, die Wähler über die Kandidaten für die bevorstehenden Wahlen zu informieren:

Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml