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Just the fear of #surveillance can turn us into self-censors and stop us from exercising intellectual freedom and curiosity.

If we think we're being watched, our behavior changes.

Let's choose an internet free of mass surveillance. #TakeBacktheInternet

The FSF's Respects Your Freedom Certification has a brand new, stand-alone website. On a side note: it's always nice to see Drupal in the wild 😉

Over the past quarter we have, for the first time, sustained an editing rate of over 100,000,000 edits per month! Stats are newly updated at:

Twitter stopped political advertising. Since political ads are not contributing to opinion making, but only helping those with money to target a very specific audience, this is definitely the right decision.

Today is the Day against #DRM! Join us and the in raising awareness about digital restrictions #IDAD

Pretty cool: Rwanda launches first 'Made in Africa' smartphones. Let's hope a build will follow! ist zurück.

Die Schweizer Freedomvote-Kampagne verfolgt das Ziel, die Wähler über die Kandidaten für die bevorstehenden Wahlen zu informieren:

Librem Social

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