Used my physical licensed copy of #WordPerfect of course! Well, almost. I have the software but I’m keeping the original 5 1/4” floppies in their sealed bag. The F keys template and manual are getting used though! 😋⌨️📖
That time I took the #FreeDOS 23rd anniversary PDF and made it #DOS accessible by recreating it as a TXT file (with search based tags for navigation), and also a #WordPerfect 5 document that preserved the PDF layout as much as I could manage. ;) (Jim Hall helped out by providing text copy used in the PDF.)
Original PDF:
I love #Macintosh #Library! Latest videos:
I bet you’ve heard of Galileo & Hubble, but what about Henrietta Swan Leavitt?
Leavitt changed astronomy. She figured out new ways to measure a star’s distance from Earth & her work helped determine the universe is expanding.
Her boss, Edward Pickering, published her findings UNDER HIS NAME. Later, Shapley used her findings to determine distances around the Milky Way w/o credit.
Leavitt’s work is still used today. So next time you hear about famous men in #science share her remarkable story.
I have a new friend coming over on Saturday for a pop-culturalization because he has never seen:
Any Star Trek.
Any Star Wars.
Any Lord of the Rings movies nor books.
No Knight Rider.
No Princess Bride.
No Monty Python Holy Grail
Firefly! GASP! *screeeeeaaaaammmmmm*
I don't know how he's alive, nor how he can even think because my mind is naught but pop-culture quotes, but his blank-slate torture is coming to an end. I will save him.
What should I have him watch first?
The craft on the left IS Earth (mined and manufactured materials from Earth, by Earth as homo sapiens, and its creativity like a base 2 numbering system on which computers are based.)
The planet is looking at itself. We are some of its eyes and mind. Its reach outward is extended in this moment, like all moments when satelites and rovers visit other parts of the Sol system.
Remember this humbly the next time you feel without purpose. See, extend, Be Earth. You are much more than a body.
Every time I re-watch #GilmoreGirls and see the episode where Rory gets a blue G3 #iBook, I feel so much envy but also joy.
Imagine getting a computer as a gift? And that one to boot? I would have screamed haha yaaaasssssss. That's amazing!
But one day about 7 years after cool coloured iBooks had come and gone, I found a nice tangerine iBook on eBay, and have loved every second of its use since for writing, some graphics, and listening to CDs. Such a cool gorgeous #laptop!
/usr/bin/girl $ cat bio.txt
Bonjour! I love music, chocolate, gaming, and spaaaaace.
Destiny Dead Thing Hunter.
Overwatch Battle Necromancer Mercy.
I feel all these things in my ghost. 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️