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Ariella boosted

Today is #TransDayofRemembrance when we honor and remember trans lives taken by violence. How horrifying that a deadly attack upon the LGBTQ+ community in Colorado Springs should occur right before this solemn day.
Hate isn’t born in us. It is taught. It must end.
This starts with our political leaders, who must cease their cynical attacks against our community before another attack occurs.
Call out the hate. Remind them of its consequences. Hold them to account.

Ariella boosted

Remembering and one of the many memories. 😭🕯

We're all an emergence of stars in the cosmos. Attacking us is a ridiculous useless stupidity. It's like kicking the side of a mountain while the planet's plates and volcanoes keep producing more, or spooning the pacific ocean into a coffee mug only to have it evaporate and rain back down.

Diversity is a property of all Life. human beings are born every day. We are not...going...anywhere!!!

Want to find your follows that have accounts in a instance so you can re-follow them?

Use Debirdify:

Ariella boosted

I did some more work on #DOStodon, the #Mastodon client for #MSDOS.

I added a splash screen, a busy indicator for network access, you can scroll the entries now, there is a profile viewer and you can like and boost.
Image attachments are now displayed, too.

Ariella boosted

Mastodon Day

Friday November 18, 2022 - An Incredible Day In Internet History

You were here.

It started with the Twitter lockout. 10,000 new users an hour. Almost a quarter million migrated to Mastodon in one day. The servers struggled. Remarkably, admins all over the world built up capacity in real time. New users were patient. The system held.

It's running better now. There will be more hard days ahead, but people powered social media has arrived.

#twittermigration #NewUsers #Welcome

The Drake Cutter is my new favourite small-sized ship. It's like the big Jeep Wrangler of space. :D

It's super interesting inside and out, and is a feast on the senses with all the moving switches, buttons, sounds and other fun role-play elements like a bathroom, bed, reading light, storage, closet and cargo bay.

And best of all? It can carry a Nox! The funnest bucking hover-horse in the game XD.

Ariella boosted

French authorities declare the use of Microsoft Office and Google Docs illegal in schools and education markets, as they don’t follow GDPR and might disturb later competition by making students used to these proprietary solutions.


For all programming resources produced by Crescent Software (by Ethan Winer), they're being curated and shared by Gene Buckle here:

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3 years ago I volunteered to create a new edition of Ethan Winer’s 1990s BASIC programming book using LibreOffice (@libreoffice). Over the span of a year, with Ethan’s editorial input, I rebuilt the book layout from TXT sources in , and recreated all diagrams from scratch using , and . It turned out great!

Dev1: so our zombs will find the shortest path possible or the weakest with some randomness
Dev2: what if a person can't be reached?
Dev1: Eh?
Dev2: I mean climb a mountain or dig a super deep hole, or dig a super deep hole at the top of a mountain.
Dev1: Nobody would...what?🧵

😏 😋 😝 😜 🤪meeeeeeee

Ariella boosted

Check out this free (Creative Commons) book, Designing With LibreOffice:

I had this experience in French catholic schools growing up in northern which borders QC. Mom & I were French: thoughts, dreams, speech, activities.

But I was also Ontarian. My father was English with an English last name.

So I was harassed by my teachers as inauthentic, from a bad wrong language home, or variations on that BS. 😖

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By Lori Weber:

Opinion: Why I'm saying farewell to Quebec

I love living in a French city. I embraced the language early on and made sure my child did, as well. But Quebec has never embraced me.

We see you.

We love you.

You're a beautiful emergence of Sol, Earth, Life: real people always and in all ways.

Your natural truth doesn't need proving because it simply IS; embodied within the very fabric of the universe.

Be joyous and rest in this.<3

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Librem Social

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