Ny opinionsartikel: Enkät till riksdagspartierna och nytt läckt förslag om Chat Control (https://konstellationen.org/2024/09/12/chat-control-enkat/).
Följ bevakningen av Chat Control 2.0 på https://chatcontrol.se/coverage/.
Today was "Bundesweiter Warntag" in Germany so a good point in time to test #ModemManager's & #phosh's upcoming #cellbroadcast support 🚨 .
The sounds emitted by #feedbackd are only stubs (and you don' t hear the haptic in the video but I promise it's there 😃).
There's three messages because the CBMs are sent out on three different channels.
Thanks @NGIZero for supporting my work on this!
The @EUCommission has cut important funds for #FreeSoftware in a non-transparent decision.
💥 Raise your voice and take part in an ongoing consultation to ask for sustainable long-term funds for software freedom!
We explain why and how: https://fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240911-02.html
#curl provides this listing and collection of ALL past security vulnerabilities at https://curl.se/docs/security.html
I claim that curl does this better than, yeah, just about all other projects. Because we put a lot of effort into it. Because we believe our users deserve it.
Sammanfattning av öppet möte nr 21 om att bygga egen e-leg-lösning, 9 sept 2024:
Fri och öppen programvara, öppen specifikation, tillgänglighet, decentralisering.
Mer om projektet: https://www.dfri.se/projekt/e-legitimation/
Nästa möte är 2024-09-30 klockan 18. Välkomna att vara med då, oavsett om du varit med tidigare eller inte, alla är välkomna!
#DFRI #FOSS #FLOSS #FreeSoftware #FriProgramvara #eID #EIDAS #MyData #eleg #elegitimation #demokrati
Are you in Stockholm? Come by at the sec-t community day (September 11th, 2pm) and listen to our talk about how to verify TKey and supply chain security.
dnip, the top Schweizer (Swiss) magazine for tech journalism, published my article about the EU’s proposed chat control regulation in Deutsch (German).
@marcel not only translated, but contributed back to the original English version.
Deutsch is the second most-known language in the EU and one of the 3 official procedural languages. I am still searching for a French publication to do a translation to get all 3.
Like, it bears repeating:
Windows 11, by default, takes regular screenshots of your computer. These are analysed for advertisement purposes, you can be sure of it.
Windows Recall blacks out copyrighted material from those screenshots, but not passwords or other sensitive information, including account numbers, TANs, etc.
This is not an issue for my bank.
Mandating spyware-ladden corporate operating systems should be grounds for getting their banking licence revoked.
Seriously though: I want (okay, demand) a version of Firefox with the "AI chatbot" functionality removed. Not disabled. Removed. I want all code which is specifically designed to connect to OpenAI removed from my computer completely. I do not care if the vampires have promised not to suck my blood. I do not want the vampires in my house in the first place. https://mk.nyaa.place/notes/9xvolkux40ok0n1m
The next #Tor relay operator meetup is this Saturday,
September 7 at 19UTC! For the agenda and more info, check out the Tor Forum.
Consider signing up for a pay-what-you-want subscription to my newsletter.
My writing is never paywalled, and your support goes long way to helping me continue doing this. You can also sign up for free to get my writing in your email.
Here is a link announcing a new report on open source in public services, by our colleagues at the Open Source Observatory:
Look closely and you can make out a dewy #spiderweb I spotted on my way to work this morning. #ShotOnLibrem5
Really @ngisargasso, do I have to subscribe to your news letter through LinkedIn. What about #DigitalSovereignty?
See there:
I'm using a #Librem5 as my daily phone. Yesterday, I discovered that in the #Railway #GNOME app for public transportation planning, you can set #transitous as the routing engine. This works pretty well in the #Netherlands. Highly recommended. Of course you can install it also on your regular Linux computer.
When he’s not busy being one of our best fiction writers, Ted Chiang has become our best critic of generative AI:
“The programmer Simon Willison has described the training for large language models as ‘money laundering for copyrighted data,’ which I find a useful way to think about the appeal of generative-A.I. programs: they let you engage in something like plagiarism, but there’s no guilt associated with it because it’s not clear even to you that you’re copying.”
Human being. Programmer, sailor, researcher, teacher, student, parent, child, etc. Free/libre and open-source software (FOSS/FLOSS) enthusiast. Likes human rights, including digital rights such as privacy of communication. Casual hacker. On Mastodon since about 2020. Lives in Stockholm. He/him. No DMs.