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Kommentar till Bli säker-podden 

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Kommentar till Bli säker-podden 

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Kommentar till Bli säker-podden 

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Kommentar till Bli säker-podden 

Elias boosted

Great read:

> #Signal published a blog post on how we were all different and they were trying to adapt to those differences. Signal was for everyone, told the title. Ironically, that very same day, I’ve lost access to my account.

> I’ve suddenly been excluded from all the conversations with my friends because I very slightly but unacceptably deviated from the norm.

> 3yrs ago, I thought having a black and white screen on my own phone was more comfortable for my eyes.

Woke up this morning to the sound of birds chirping outside my window. They have decided: winter is done, spring starts today!

Elias boosted

Do you want to take on a job that results in user freedom? The FSF is seeking a full-time operations assistant. Read and boost to help get the word out:

Elias boosted

Personally I find 'blocking an instance because they won't block /any/ other instance' big bullshit :nkoFacepalm:

First of all, you don't get to dictate the rules on any others instance to begin with and secondly why should you be bothered by this?

If you block that /any/ instance it's done and you won't see stuff for it anymore but stop shaming others for not making the same decision, that's very childish

"I block you because you won't block them" <-- ignore that bullshit please

FSFE and Google 

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FSFE and Google 

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FSFE and Google 

Elias boosted

The European Commission is currently in the process of enacting a law called Chat control. If the law goes into effect, it will mean that all EU citizens’ communications will be monitored and listened to.

E-identification, FOSS, Sweden 

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E-identification, FOSS, Sweden 

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E-identification, FOSS, Sweden 

Elias boosted
Elias boosted

"As we chart the course of the future of software, these examples shine light on the importance of educational institutions in the struggle for #softwarefreedom and the urgent need for broader community support [...]" -- Glass to keynote #LibrePlanet2023

Elias boosted

Så himla bra av @eliasr från @dfri, föreningen för digitala fri- och rättigheter. Väldigt dåligt med förbud mot anonyma kontantkort.

Staten har inte att göra med vem jag pratar med. Övervakningssamhället måste få ett stopp! Länder kan snabbt förfalla på några år. Se på Ungern eller Polen.

Sågningen av nya lagen – när anonyma mobiler tystnar: "Som i en diktatur" - P4 Göteborg | Sveriges Radio

Swedish politics, in Swedish 

Elias boosted
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