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In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

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In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

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🤩Signal App's President @Mer__edith has joined the #CelebrateEncryption movement to show her support for encryption.

Join Meredith & share 📸photos of you & your friends promoting privacy and celebrating encryption 🎉:

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Swedish physicist and physical chemist Svante Arrhenius died #OTD in 1927. Arrhenius was the first to use the principles of physical chemistry to estimate the extent to which increases in the atmospheric carbon dioxide are responsible for the Earth's increasing surface temperature. His work played an important role in the emergence of modern climate science.

Books by Svante Arrhenius at PG:

#books #science #physics #chemistry

I want to show kids some good things about the internet. This is hard because there is so much bad, difficult and outright dangerous stuff out there. Looking for healthy things, the kind that do not involve any Big Tech company's sphere of influence.

So far I came up with these two things:

- Wikipedia
- OpenStreetMap

Are those good choices?

What else do you recommend?

Anti-Google-user rant 

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Anti-Google-user rant 

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Anti-Google-user rant 

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Anti-Google-user rant 

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Anti-Google-user rant 

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Happy birthday to GNU! 🎂 The GNU Project turns 40 today and has been a champion of free and open source software in all that time.

We extend a big thank you to the GNU Project for laying the groundwork for the movement, the value of which becomes more apparent with each year. Thank you!

#GNU40 #GNU #Linux #OpenSource

Read this:


"The Commission has been reluctant to detail the relationship between Thorn and Johansson’s cabinet under the EU’s freedom of information mechanism. [...] disclosure [...] would undermine the organisation’s commercial interest”."

So we cannot have democracy because that would hurt the "commercial interest" of those who want to sell their mass-surveillance technology to the EU.

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SO good -- the best follow the money reporting on who's behind the global attack on digital privacy yet.

TLDR: it's law enforcement x AI companies posing as NGOs w a commercial interest in selling scammy mass scanning tech. Deeply cynical, deeply shady.

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I was just sitting there minding my own business, watching the kids football game IFK Bergshamra - IF Brommapojkarna 6 earlier today, when suddenly this little fellow being landed on my knee.

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I will be speaking at the GNU 40th anniversary event in Switzerland on September 27th.

When? The event runs September 27, 2023, 9:00–22:00 CEST
When is this keynote address? On September 27th at 14:00h
Where? Volkshaus in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland

40 years ago the GNU Project — to develop the GNU operating system — was launched and gave birth to the Free Software movement, and Free Software has since become the cornerstone of modern computing.

Isobel Hadley-Kamptz: "Chatcontrol är galenskap – att Sverige stöder massövervakningen är en skandal" -- ledartext i DN idag

In English: "Chatcontrol is madness – that Sweden supports the mass surveillance is a scandal"

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