These flags were hoisted today close to where I live in #Bergshamra, #Solna, #Sweden, I think the occasion today is to celebrate somebody's birthday. All flags blue and yellow, but the one in the middle has a different pattern.
@EU_Commission I followed to see if you would come to your senses and take away the #ChatControl proposal.
Idag lanserar vi #StopScanningMe på svenska!
Varför vill vi stoppa #ChatControl?
Det bryter mot FNs deklaration om mänskliga rättigheter, EU-konventionen och Sveriges grundlag.
- Dina privata chattar kommer att skannas.
- Tekniken är känd för att misslyckas.
- Vi har inte råd att göra fel.
Läs mer på:
Socialdemokraterna borde säga nej till ”chat control”, ledare i Aftonbladet:
"The Sovereign Tech Fund invests in open digital base technologies that are vital to the development of other software or enable digital networking. We invest in projects that benefit and strengthen the open source ecosystem."
Our (#curl's) awesome benefactor has opened for applications:
Mycket bra sida som förklarar massövervakningsförslaget #chatcontrol och vad man kan göra istället
#svpol #eupol #massövervakning #integritet
Stop Scanning Me
Incoming minor designer rant...
"Stop Using Custom Web Fonts"
Great read:
> #Signal published a blog post on how we were all different and they were trying to adapt to those differences. Signal was for everyone, told the title. Ironically, that very same day, I’ve lost access to my account.
> I’ve suddenly been excluded from all the conversations with my friends because I very slightly but unacceptably deviated from the norm.
> 3yrs ago, I thought having a black and white screen on my own phone was more comfortable for my eyes.
Do you want to take on a job that results in user freedom? The FSF is seeking a full-time operations assistant. Read and boost to help get the word out:
Human being. Programmer, sailor, researcher, teacher, student, parent, child, etc. Free/libre and open-source software (FOSS/FLOSS) enthusiast. Likes human rights, including digital rights such as privacy of communication. Casual hacker. Lives in Stockholm. He/him. No DMs.