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@samuel do you have your own domain that you use with the account? If so, I think it should work for you to send emails from your own server as long as you make sure your SPF record for your domain allows emails to be sent from that IP address. Then is not involved in sending the emails, but if people reply then the replies will go there. Sending and receiving are two very different things. For sending you don't really need any account, just do the SPF and DKIM stuff.

@neil is your prize awarded only after legislation is passed by parliament, or do proposals count?

If possible I would like to nominate the EU Chat Control 2.0 proposal 🙂
That's also in the "protect the children" category, of course.

@jajo mm men där har jag sett varienten att föräldrarna har varsitt namn (ingen har bytt namn) men barnet får ändå dubbel-efternamn, det går att göra så också tydligen. Sen kan barnet om hen vill senare välja att bara ha kvar ena efternamnet.

@jajo det fick mig att tänka att det är lite intressant att det finns olika vägar att gå för den som varit gift och inte längre är det, alltså om man hade bytt efternamn när man gifte sig:
- ha kvar nya namnet
- byta tillbaka till gamla namnet (mellan raderna kan läsas "mitt ex kan dra åt h-e", kanske)
- köra med båda namnen, som hon tydligen valt att göra. Kanske mest praktiskt, för att folk ska känna igen hennes namn på böcker hon skrivit osv., om det står olika namn på dem.

@metnix congratulations! What is the best way to cook them in your opinion?

@jajo wikipedia säger:

"Katrine Kielos-Marçal var mellan 2014 och 2023 gift med den brittiske trädgårdsdesignern Guy Marçal och bytte då efternamn från Kielos till Marçal.[17] Hennes efternamn är sedan 2023 Kielos-Marçal."

@neil I think that when it comes to Microsoft and the other GAFAM companies, they are just far too big at this point. For them, there is not that much incentive to make good stuff, instead it's all about vendor lock-in, trying to keep up the illusion that there is no alternative, and squeezing out more money from their huge pool of already existing customers. It doesn't really matter much to Microsoft if they have big outages, their customers will stay anyway because they are tightly locked in.

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@samuel I don't know about fedicheck specifically but I am skeptical of auto-blocking things. Think about the poor person (or instance) who ends up on such a blocklist while having done nothing wrong, suddenly they are blocked by everyone without knowing why. Maybe they ask someone (which they cannot even do because they are blocked), who just says "don't know, it's the automatic system that does this".

Lots of power ends up in the hands of whoever is in charge of the "automated" blocking.

@hyc I read that there are two types of detectors: optical (which I think is what I have) and heat detectors that simply react to changes in heat. Maybe that's what you have and it gets triggered just because the steam is hot. According to this theory, switching to an optical detector could help.

@hyc from my experience at home it seems they can distinguish them, it never started beeping from the bathroom or from boiling lots of water in the kitchen. But it does beep when a frying pan is left for too long on the stove (real smoke) which happened a few times.

I think it's because the thing detects smoke particles, which are much larger than water molecules.

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