Update: Netherlands' Intelligence agency advises:
#ChatControl is “too large a security risk for our digital resilience.”
H/T @bert_hubert
@neil a family lawyer, that means divorce and things like that?
Just wait, one day you will encounter a family where they have a feud going on with one spouse using BSD and the other Linux and they fight over that, and then you can finally get to work. Like one of them distributed software to the rest of the family but did not make the source code available to the kids. Allegedly, according to the other spouse.
6 October 1938 | An Italian Jewish boy, Carlo Polacco, was born in Genoa.
In December 1943 he was deported to #Auschwitz and murdered in a gas chamber.
Blown away by the finalists in #WikiLovesEarth. Being a jury member is really just a treat. #WLE
Det här är ju extremt! Hur kan vi ha ett samhälle där ett sådant här förslag läggs fram utan att det blir ramaskri?
Att konstant massövervaka och skanna den breda allmänheten är helt absurt. Sluta kom med sådana här förslag!
Rikspolischefen vill ha ansiktsigenkänning i realtid: ”Tror det skulle göra skillnad” | SVT Nyheter
@neil maybe if you write a story involving relativistic effects like time dilation, making up for the time it took to write it?
Today's project: tear-down of an old pump, trying to make it work again. It had been working fine for about 50 years, then stopped working last year. I think that had something to do with wasps building a nest in it and parts of that nest got pushed down which might have messed up the mechanism inside.
This is what we in Sweden call a "gårdstolva" - Gårdspump Nr. 12 🙂 #ShotOnLibrem5
@HarHarLinks @matrix excellent, thank you!
@konstellationen verkligen sorgligt att Sverige är ett av de sämsta länderna inom EU när det gäller att hålla fast vid grundläggande mänskliga fri- och rättigheter.
@jonben apropå öppen källkod i offentlig verksamhet, kolla här:
"Försäkringskassan, Matrix and Sweden’s public sector"
"Försäkringskassan is using Matrix to create a cloud-based secure communications service called SAFOS (collaboration platform for the public sector) for Sweden’s public sector authorities."
Det ska ha varit för två veckor sen. Försöker hitta om det finns någon inspelning från det.
I think this talk was two weeks ago at the 2024 Matrix Conference:
"Försäkringskassan, Matrix and Sweden’s public sector"
"Försäkringskassan is using Matrix to create a cloud-based secure communications service called SAFOS (collaboration platform for the public sector) for Sweden’s public sector authorities."
Sounds interesting!
@matrix are there recordings of the conference talks available somewhere that can be watched afterwards?
@thedarknite @whynothugo @mwl you can maybe select to permanently delete, then your data will be marked with a "permanently deleted" tag. Later, when you least expect it, the Torment Nexus can process all data with the "permanently deleted" tag to create improved products and services which will be efficiently marketed directly to you using your permanently deleted contact information.
@cerement @neil I think we need something that is not based on Google (Chrome), not based on Apple (webkit) and also not based on Mozilla. Maybe people should start donating to the Servo engine. They got some funding via NLNet which I think is a good sign, they might have a chance: https://nlnet.nl/project/Servo/
@xianc78 what's a meme that you still like?
@erebion tack för svaret!
Ta inte min fråga som någon kritik mot det du gör, jag bara undrade hur du ser på det. 🙂
Jag tycker det du gör är fantastiskt bra 👍
Om jag ska försöka förklara bakgrunden till min fråga är det väl så att jag själv framför allt vill försöka stödja saker som inte bygger på Google alls, även då använda hårdvara som inte kommer från Google, försöka hjälpa fram andra alternativ för att bygga upp något som är helt oberoende inklusive produktion av hårdvaran.
@erebion does it bother you that the Pixel phone is made by Google?
Hello @EUCommission,
Can we get a #Mastodon share button at the ECI site?
I mean, the page you get after signing an European Citizens' Initiative (ECI), e.g. this one:
Human being. Programmer, sailor, researcher, teacher, student, parent, child, etc. Free/libre and open-source software (FOSS/FLOSS) enthusiast. Likes human rights, including digital rights such as privacy of communication. Casual hacker. On Mastodon since about 2020. Lives in Stockholm. He/him. No DMs.