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@jab01701mid @noelreports He's trying to butter Trump up, which is a good idea. Costs him nothing and might achieve something.

@rocky @noelreports This. When you post normal, informative posts, there's not much engagement. We don't need to boost your posts with useless comments to game the algorithm. But we do see them and reply when it makes sense (like now).

@noelreports Fediverse always gets waves of refugees when dominant social media do something unpopular. The waves get bigger as we grow because of network effect. The more people are here, the more reason others have to join.

I just wish Fediverse services other than Mastodon were more popular. This would allow for synergy. Instead of using disconnected services (let's say FB + Twitter + YT + Twitch + Reddit), people could keep it all within Fediverse.

@nougat @zaufanatrzeciastrona Czyli jednak dodaje reklamy. I o to właśnie chodzi. Ludzie nie chcą płacić, więc rozwój trzeba inaczej finansować.

Pomijam fakt, że Vivaldi jest oparte na Chromium. Rozwój własnego silnika kosztowałby ich o wiele więcej. Własny silnik ma jedynie Google, Mozilla (z pieniędzy od Google) i Apple. Pomijam mniejsze silniki typu Lynx/libwww.

@Watchdog_Polska Bezpośredni link do filmu na PeerTube:

(Być może już zedytowaliście post, ale wygląda na to, że moja instancja nie uwzględnia edycji.)

@yo @zaufanatrzeciastrona Ja staram się wspierać pieniężnie twórców moich ulubionych programów, ale nie zawsze jest to możliwe. Np. nie da się wesprzeć rozwoju Firefoksa (rozwijanego przez Mozilla Corporation), a jedynie Mozilla Foundation.

@GregDance @EUCommission AI is a wayyy broader concept than just large language models.

But yes, LLMs are just advanced autocomplete. After being trained on many example texts, they predict which word is the most plausible continuation of a given text. Most of their limits stem from this.

@zaufanatrzeciastrona Poza wpadkami Brave, artykuł doskonale obrazuje trudności w zarabianiu na oprogramowaniu dla zwykłego Kowalskiego. Ludzie oczekują, że wszystko będzie bez reklam i "partnerstw" (i słusznie), ale jednocześnie wymagają, żeby wszystko było za darmo. Powoduje to, że programy są tworzone albo przez wolontariuszy w ich wolnym czasie, albo przez wielkie korporacje z nadmiarem gotówki, które za pomocą tych programów realizują swoje własne cele.

Wniosek: płaćmy za open source.

@maxburn @openstreetmap Most OpenStreetMap apps have navigation. Not sure about live traffic; I haven't seen it, but I also never looked for it, as I don't own a car.

@Aegewsh @icd Za wykorzystanie istniejącej platformy trudniej dostać granty. To pewnie jest jedną z przyczyn.

@itsfoss I would donate to Firefox, but it's impossible. Firefox is made by Mozilla Corporation, but you can only donate to Mozilla Foundation.

@JulesJones @EUCommission Many politicians have congratulated Trump in this manner because of Trump's egoism. Being overly nice costs nothing, but can increase influence on Trump's actions. Meanwhile if politicians were rude to him, he would abuse his position to harm their countries.

@greensofshade @davidrevoy Same here, fortunately I can see it on its original server. For me, it happens often.

@lianna @itsfoss It's not "Linus xenophobia". It's US sanctions. Linux Foundation, Linux infrastructure, and a lot of Linux maintainers live in US and must respect US law. The law does not prohibit Russians from contributing. The law does not allow employees of sanctioned companies to be maintainers. Russian maintainers that were not employed by sanctioned companies still remain maintainers. Linus et al did the bare minimum they were forced to do to avoid going to jail.

@plakat @EUCommission Most of the APIs were already there, except private.

@itsfoss Honestly, GNU/Linux could use better app sandboxing.

@plakat @EUCommission It's not about breaking integration. All the DMA stuff is optional. You don't have to use alternative app stores, browsers, accessories, etc. You are free to use 100% pure Apple stuff.

@ntt @itsfoss It was done for legal reasons. Linux Foundation is in USA. Linux infrastructure is in USA. They have to respect United States law, including sanctions. People employed by sanctioned companies cannot be listed as maintainers. In some cases it's silly, as one maintainer was maintaining support for Russian hardware his employer made, but law doesn't have exceptions for "silly cases".

@palllyyy There are some unspoken assumptions, for example that instances are run either by Mastodon GmbH or random volunteers/enthusiasts. Meanwhile my instance, for example, is run by Purism, a hardware manufacturer focused on privacy and free (as in freedom) software. There's an instance run by European Commission ( Mozilla used to have its own instance (they are closing it though). And so on...

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