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@ostrich you do realise you have no obligation to respond too what you care not about?, If you are trying to suggest that their exist no reason to care; may I suggest you make your self clear on why you think the presidents statement on an ongoing geopolitical event is irrelevant?

@denny nah, liking random posts isn't harmful, just ignore it. It's always best practice to only enforce rules intended to reduce actual harm, or behaviour intended to obscure actual harm. At this point I see no reason to believe liking random posts do either. Whatever they are bots or not should also be considered insignificant, ask why does it matter if an interaction is from a bot or not.

@the_Effekt They were exiled for trying to make things better.

@Agatha @Chron I'm sure it's, but for some reason I don't feel like following an unknown link too read an article I have minimal interest in. I would typically ignore this, but since the head line is potentially misleading I thought it fair to ask in public.

@Chron is that including local taxes, or only federal?

@nh @gfxstrand I imagine so. but handling phi nodes is certainly something that would be beyond me, and I would much rather strip the ssa form. Unless of course there existed spelled out compelling reasons to stay in ssa form.

@gfxstrand alu is certainly cheap. But why do you need ssa after register allocation?

@gfxstrand why would you do register allocation in ssa form?, I mean register allocation should be one of the last step, as it is very hardware dependent.

@shoq I didn't know that meta was making a profit.

@irestartpcs @jerry temu is an advanced investor scam. Similar to a pump and dump, or ponzi. The "product" only exists to appear legitimate.

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It's easy to see how Twitter's anti-woke obsession drove away key user segments in a matter of months, and made the business not viable. It's harder to see how newspapers have done the same exact thing to themselves, slowly, over 50 years, as the demographics of who buys news, has changed beneath their feet.

If your business depends on everyone paying a monthly fee, to hear rich white men lie about and harm them... I don't know how to tell you this, but that business is not long for this world.

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@ceoln yeah everyone going by the same call sign is a big no.

@ceoln no, they are just poorly implemented. Getting voice, only, communication right has been a problem for a century, radio was first used in the great war, and their exist plenty of experience to draw on.

@ownlife two reasons, it's the ones you here about, and genre fragmentation. If you invent a new genre for each book every book can be a best seller.

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@morgun @malwaretech in my experience rich people share the same fears you have, they want to be loved, respected, and have some where safe to return every night. They just have very different circumstances to achieve that.

@inthehands after some further research it seems like I was mistaken and a "bail in" can include deposits. I highly doubt that would be realised due to the harm it did when it was last tried, apparently involving the Bank of Cyprus.

@inthehands the term you are looking for is "bail in", a "bail in" is when non-deposit creditor is asked to take a hair cut.

@malwaretech anyone that say rich people "deserves" to be rich isn't serious. I don't mind people being rich, but I also don't see it as a problem if they lose money.

@ygalanter @w7voa no, the "bail in" is funded by commercial banks. Unless you have money deposited at a bank, or do business with an organisation that do, you will not fund any of this.

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