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Zoe boosted

When I was six, I asked for a pair of roller skates for Christmas. On Christmas morning, I opened my present to find a single roller skate.

I knew my parents didn’t have a lot of money, so I was still grateful and determined to make it work and I thanked my mom and dad and went outside to play with my roller skate.

I proceeded to “skate” along the curb with the roller skate on my right foot and my sneaker on my left foot and I was honestly having a blast when my mom came outside.

Mom: Uhhh…what are you doing?
Me: I’m roller skating, mom!
Mom: Yeah, but why are you only wearing one of your roller skates?
Me: There are TWO skates?!?

It turns out my mom wrapped the roller skates separately to give me more presents to open, but the other roller skate got buried in the Christmas morning shuffle and nobody noticed because I didn’t say anything about only receiving one roller skate.

Today marks ten years since I lost my mom and, every so often, I remember that day because it was so very her, doing whatever she could with what she had, even if it meant wrapping presents separately to make me feel like I had more.

If your mom is still around, hold her tightly. If she’s gone, remember the good times fondly.

Zoe boosted

"A sugar replacement called erythritol – used to add bulk or sweeten stevia, monkfruit and keto reduced-sugar products – has been linked to blood clotting, stroke, heart attack and death, according to a new study."

@dotstdy @oblomov I meant specifically if the standard called it undefined or implementation defined. Of course what is undefined matters a lot.

@Miriamm thanks, numbers I have seen before includes secondary degrees.

Zoe boosted

Today on the first day of Women’s History Month I learned that after no fault divorce was finally legalized in 1970, female suicide rates dropped 20%🤯

The "strong 1950s family unit" that the GOP is nostalgic about ignores record high female suicide, suffocating domestic violence, & zero female financial autonomy.

But maybe that's GOP's goal all along?🤔

@oblomov @mcc @hallam yeah, but my compiler can extend any UB as well. There for does it matter what the standard says?

@oblomov @mcc @hallam aren't UB an implementation defined synonymous in the standard?

Zoe boosted

"We can absolutely convert offices to housing. We can do even more if we shorten timelines, simplify the process, and streamline approval. There's no reason we should leave floors and buildings empty indefinitely while the need for new housing is so massive and urgent."

Matt Haney

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Zoe boosted or you don't ask it to write ninety nine bottles of beer or some other tort exempel.

Competition is a scam, the zero sum game isn't real.

Fetishizing conception brings no clarity,
to our influence over an undefined future.

Zoe boosted

This is an unconventional but interesting usage of Mesa in X-Plane:

Really cool to see what Zink is enabling.

I hate choices, and I know others do too.
I try to give people a preference whenever I am asked.

Life is entropy finding equilibrium.

I am considering posting once a day as kind of a challenge, each post will be anything that reveals something about how I think.

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