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Zoe boosted

I do not care about the "network effect" at all tbh. I'm willing to just, interact less with people stuck on shitty websites

Zoe boosted

If you have to be on threads for whatever reason and you see an account for me, no you absolutely did not. Mute, Block, and report that shit immediately.

@breadandcircuses let's be clear you can only be charged with a crime if you refuse a legally given order, police is only legally allowed to order members of the public to maintain safety and public order. The charges will more then likely be dropped.

threads [derogatory] 

Zoe boosted

Somebody should tell Jeff Bezos that all the *cool* billionaires have microblogging platforms.

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Zoe boosted

Undra när tex våra företag och myndigheter släpper taget om twitter. Undra när våra myndigheter tar tag i att faktiskt tänka igenom sociala media, ägandet av information och värdet av att synas och finnas. Våra skattemedel har gått till Facebook (meta), via instagram också, och säkert twitter också. Vad finansierar vi för att myndigheter ska nå oss med information?

@dalias @mcc no, only the official build is Firefox. Unless you're using Gentoo.

@atheistengineer take pictures of card codes you have already used?, could maybe crowd sources spent gift cards?

@jerry my understanding is that until recently counting past five was considered an advanced skill.

Zoe boosted

For example, I've almost stopped posting research on the financial sector here because most people who would like to read ten different studies from reputable sources on the "Too Big To Fail" problem in the banking sector just aren't on the Fediverse (yet). On Twitter, there was much greater interest in topics like this.

Similarly, I found it fascinating to watch virologists, epidemiologists, immunologists, and intensive care doctors discuss the covid crisis in real time on Twitter in 2020. 2/

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Zoe boosted

musk is not working as twitter ceo/head twit/whatever comedy title he has.

he is amphetamine and ketamine numbed, twitching and sweating, reacting with goldfish memory in real time and issuing grand decrees 13 times a day to the 112 H1Bs that put up with his shit because they don't want to back to mumbai.

there is no leadership happening. this is hitler in the bunker tweaked out and screaming shit.

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Zoe boosted

oh look a place where you’re not rate limited on reads

Zoe boosted

Welcome back to all my Twitter friends. Stay here instead. It's not perfect but there's no Elon, and it generally works.

Zoe boosted

excessive smugness 

Zoe boosted

Bird app doing the fun thing where it decides to implode.

@qurlyjoe it's still storing those same phone number, it never gives up hope that you once more will recall those numbers.

@w7voa I hope this ia shared to normalise, and not other.

@ostrich My apologies, it appears I missed the context of the original post.

@ostrich it's common to quote literally. Transcribing the intended meaning is sometimes practice but is generally consider harmful, because it is easy to accidentally infer ones own biases.

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