@roptat thanks for your nice visualization of #l18n in apps in #FDroid
https://i18n.lepiller.eu/i18n.html it is interesting to see which languages are the most active. If you're interested in more data sources, there are a lot of public data sources:
For example, you might enjoy looking at the most popular search queries with the included language and country data:
Interresting how language data of queries don't correlate that much with translations :)
@roptat how so? You mean like level of completion versus how popular a language is?
@roptat From what I've seen, it is quite common for one translator to be very active in their language. So many languages in many projects are translated basically by a single person. So complete translations can often just mean a very dedicated single volunteer rather than lots of users interested in the language. This is the volunteer-driven model. I imagine that paid translations would follow user demand a lot more.
There will be more interesting data coming soon, we'll announce it soon.