Pretty flowers
More pretty flowers
Pretty kitty
(even if a bit noisy - I'm a poor autogain algo :))#shotonlibrem5
Pretty little fella
Pretty lo-fi kitty
Pretty sleepy Box<Kitty>
Pretty flower
Pretty... morning snow in May?
Pretty sunny flowers
Pretty dark kitty
#shotonlibrem5 #librem5
@dos also why only close shots? Can you please tease us with some long range shots as well
@anirudh Because it's easier for me to do nice close shots where I'm in. I'd have to go for a longer walk.
But I've heard that @devrtz may have some pretty landscapes to share soon ;)
@dos Maybe a double rainbow? #shotonlibrem5 #librem5 with #megapixels
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Maybe a double rainbow?
#shotonlibrem5 #librem5
with #megapixels