@mos_8502 Apple got this idea at least a decade ago when they brought out the retina concept. As a developer I don't want to be pixel bashing and I think that's why I like creating UIs with html and CSS. % and em ftw.

@Snoro I work at the Western Australian government Department of Health and from our Climate Action Plan, 10% of our emissions come from "Anaesthetic gases, gases for diagnosis pathology as well as some gases for steam and hot water"

Dean boosted

@be o I just assumed they were a dodgy company. If I click an unsubscribe button and I don't see a 'sorry to see you go' or click here to confirm, I mark the email as spam.

Dean boosted

‘Out of the dark ages’: Greens to force climate action if they win WA balance of power

The WA Greens intend to leverage a balance of power scenario in the upper house to push the next government to increase royalties from oil and gas and improve its response to climate change


#Australia #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #IrreversibleOverheating #GlobalBurning #ClimateDestruction #ClimateSuicide #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate

@smlx yeah, the airline industry has had this mindset for decades and makes it the most (?) safe form of travel. We can learn and become a true engineering discipline.

Dean boosted

This is happening across Australia next Saturday. Please consider attending if you can.


Dean boosted

In light of US tech oligarchy setting its sights on Wikimedia Foundation, a historical detail I did not know before: #Wikipedia became the non-profit it is today partly as the result of a labour strike of Spanish Wikipedia editors who disagreed with the proposed inclusion of advertisements. Initially, it was not clear what revenue model Wikipedia would get, and Wales moved towards a for-profit model already a year after launch. However, rather than working for free, so Jimmy Wales could profit from their labour via advertising, Spanish contributors forked Spanish Wikipedia as the Encyclopedia Libre Universal. Under the threat of losing the editorial community of such a large language, Wales conceded and set up the non-profit.

That is to say, however imperfect they are, all the digital commons we have are the result of ongoing struggle and hard work to keep them as commons.

Via Las Redes Son Nuestras (consonni.org/es/publicaciones/) by @teclista

Dean boosted

I'm never buying a Johnson and Johnson product again! Their products cause cancer and they do everything to cover it up and not pay the victims. youtube.com/watch?v=tpxzjGxSjA

Dean boosted

I love English. It's a trash fire disguised as a language and I'm here for all of it. However, I really need to be better about people not speaking it "correctly." It's a goddamn trash fire. Of course people don't speak it correctly. I'm pretty sure there's no correct way to speak it. And that's leaving out all the racism and classism which goes into "grammatical perfection."

English isn't Latin. It's a glorious clusterfuck of stolen parts bolted onto a bastard chassis and powered entirely by the burning of dictionaries. There is no way that it should be the lingua franca of international affairs, and yet it is. Speak it any way you want. English doesn't give a fuck. English will take your error and turn it into a part of itself. English drinks prescriptivist tears like fine wine. Contribute to the delinquency of English any way you can.

Western Australia's domestic methane (natural) gas market is being linked to the export market. This is a double edged sword to move the state to renewables. I have electrified my house so I don't buy gas or oil but a lot of the peak electricity supply is gas. Our government retailer Synergy, is always developing new products to support consumer renewables & demand management. I can't wait to see what they do next year to help people reduce their fossil fuel use and cost


Dean boosted
Dean boosted

Science* isn’t something you “believe” in.

Science is something you think in.

There is a huge difference between belief and knowledge.

*Science is answering questions by measuring observations in a manner that is repeatable.

@richlv How hard is it to find clinics inside the buildings? I spent a long time wandering around one of the large hospitals (31.96763° S, 115.81528° E). So my local group (GeoGeeks) had a mapping day there to try and do some internal mapping.

I was watching 'The Diplomat' on Netflix and the captions censored the word 'shit' by not showing it. Even though it was said in the audio. If they want to censor, fine but also beep out the word from the audio track or hide the title behind parental controls.
If you see censored words report it as a caption or subtitle error.

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