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@Snoro altText: graph showing estimated carbon emissions for the next 80 years. Implemented policies keeping the current emissions constant. To reach 2 and 1.5 degrees the line drops off exponentially!

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Are you an academic concerned that #Elsevier's profiteering publishing practices are extracting money and labor from you and your colleagues for free? Are you terrified that Elsevier's support for #FossilFuels is helping accelerate #ClimateBreakdown?

Don't fret! The #StopElsevier campaign has got you covered, with a wealth of resources to help take power away from them via collective action.

A thread 1/n

#ClimateCrisis #OpenScience #EthicalPublishing

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As part of the response to the earthquake in Turkey, many volunteer mappers joined in mapping buildings and highways in affected areas.

Now that the mapping has been completed - thanks to the quick response from the #OSM community - the Development Seed data team is working on the Türkiye - Gaziantep project validation phase focusing on the priority areas to ensure the quality of the data that was added.

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2/5: BP had pledged to cut carbon emissions by 35-40% by 2030, but has now scaled back to 20-30%. This reneging on promises is unacceptable as we face a climate emergency. #ClimateEmergency #CarbonEmissions #BP

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@yatil true Google will make developers use Chrome for their apps and that would be worse. I don't stay logged in with my Google account, I only use it for YouTube.

@yatil I like this. Now I don't need to install an app that can steal a lot more of my personal information. I can just have a link to a browser that can have better privacy protections. But the whole banner asking for permission would be very annoying. The worst is Google with their SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE s*~t!

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After 66 work days on #strike (3 full months; tomorrow would be the 4th month to the day as they went on strike Nov 10th), #HarperCollins and the HarperCollins Union have reached a tentative agreement that includes "increases to minimum salaries across levels" and a $1,500 lump-sum bonus to all union employees.

More details to come!

#Publishing #HCPOnStrike #UnionStrong @dmoser it's called a weather report. The Bureau of Metrology works with the energy system administrators so they can plan next month, week, and day. They can then schedule hydro and other generators based on the local weather across the country. It's all becoming automated and will be simple with battery storage and virtual power plants. @dmoser welcome to Australia where that is not true. Renewables are very predictable. A coal or gas plant tripping is not and that is what our system administrators have to plan for. The utilisation rate of solar and wind is lower than coal and gas but not by much, so the required capacity is not too great. But that is only an issue when you hit 60%+ renewables with a large share of solar.

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Dear geospatial developers: could you share any aspect of your experience with #OGC standards for building geospatial applications and services? With your permission I would ❤️ to feature it in the new OGC developer website! #ThankYou 🙏 Pls RT

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I've finally gotten around to publishing part 4 of my series on post-collapse computing.

While this is the end of the series it's hopefully only the beginning of a larger resilience initiative within GNOME and free software more broadly. If you're interested in working on this I'd be very happy to hear from you.

@thatguyoverthere I just picked up Katie Mack's book 'The end of everything' (referenced in the article) when I visited the Greenwich Observatory. For hundreds or thousands of years we needed a sense of time to know our position on the Earth. With every step to improve the measurement of time we have improved our position on the planet. From the time of the year, to midday, pendulum clocks, time accurate star maps, and through to the atomic clock.

@samwilson i add my mapping photos to OSMand and delete when I have mapped the feature.

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"It is not uncommon to learn about non-Indigenous entities appropriating Indigenous culture but none of them are as large, prestigious, nor well-known as The Apache® Software Foundation is in software circles."

@rozeboosje @aral most likely not. Netflix does deals where they pay a premium to have exclusive rights and the production studios cannot sell it on.

@aral that's nothing! I can lose $200 billion in a weekend.

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I've been seeing discourse again about the real/supposed ableism of transit and walkability advocacy, and I am once again frustrated by the incredible car-centricity of it.

I am disabled in ways that can limit access to walking-oriented spaces, but I've also never been a driver. When people talk about the difficulties of managing an invisible disability on public transit, I nod my head hard -- but so often this turns into a subtext/text of "we still need to privilege cars."

That... loses me.

@riggbeck @futurebird
These issues can be fixed when designing for green field sites (like my local Optus Stadium) but most sites need to be converted and a lot of corners are cut as the cost will be 'too great' and work is done in peice meal stages.
OP concerns are very valid.

@riggbeck @futurebird most 'visions' have accessibility ideals but it is rarely implemented.
- Painted bike lanes so people with vision issues don't know they are walking in one.
- Guttered bike lanes so wheelchairs cannot cut through.
- Large predestination areas with limited drop-off/pick-up points for people with mobility issues.
- High foot traffic areas create pinch points that make it very hard for people with mobility issues to transverse.

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