@Elizafox then you create an 'other' to make your enemy and say to the exploited 'you are better then those people, don't be like them'
@spla@soc.catala.digital @aral @gitea @codeberg@mastodon.technology if Gitea is not good enough for their developers to pull away from GitHub ... yet. Do they expect anyone to move away from GitHub to Gitea?
I would love Gitea to succeed and like the idea for Federation, but they are not leading people.
Just had a look at #Gitea and they don't even use Gitea! They use GitHub!! The screenshot on their homepage looks like GitHub with the icon switched. What's the point?
The cost of cars is very high and our governments pump billions of dollars making people buy and maintain these expensive machines.
First Nations Greens senator Lidia Thorpe calls Queen Elizabeth II “coloniser” during oath of allegiance.
What a legend.
@alcinnz yes! I had to create a modal for work and trying to make it keyboard accessible and not destroy everything on the site is near impossible.
Transforming OpenStreetMap into thick roads and intersections: an very nice post about creating assumptions on roads based on OSM https://a-b-street.github.io/docs/tech/map/geometry/index.html #osm #maps #streets #intersections #geometry
@samwilson nice graphic
Plese boost for reach: Why have a single person, or even a team, working on accessibility? In an organization, in a company, in a dev team, in any collective that works on software, media, books, art... Everyone should be focused on accessibility in anything they create for others. If you are, then everyone else has a better time! Maybe someone wants to read a picture, or hear a book, or relax their eyes while doing computer work. It helps *everyone* when everyone is included. #a11y
@nosat @downey @daveshuken @be vaccines are very good to reduce deaths and serious illness. It also reduces spread and lowers the potential R value. If the aim is to stop spread at a conference then mask requirements, hygiene, and distance is best.
In WA we locked our borders so we could live our normal lives. When most people where triple vaxed we opened up and the spread happened but we had low deaths and hospitalisations. Totally worth it!
Please boost for reach. So, anyone that is working on FOSS projects like web apps, sites, Linux apps, desktop environments, or other user interfaces, please let me know if you want them tested for accessibility. I can do both CLI, web, and GUI testing, and app testing on Android. I'm running Debian (on a ChromeBook but that's not too important), so just give me the name of the package, or the URL of the site or app. I can also do Flatpak!
@dean Wow. Yeah the Github issues should speak louder than the accessibility statement.
@devinprater WHAT! My company just put that into our code. We just want a searchable dropdown list for 1000 items. It is okay for mouse use (not best) and from their website . "Accessibility is important. React-select is committed to providing a custom experience to all users and relies heavily on the aria-live spec to provide a custom experience for all users."
@StayGrounded_net image is a map of the earth with thousands of yellow planes flying everywhere!
Last Wednesday, @flightradar24@twitter.com tracked an *all time high* of 232,483 flights.
As if there was no climate crisis. 🌍🔥✈️
RT @flightradar24@twitter.com
Our regular mid-week look at global air traffic. Currently 18,600 flights in the air.
Last Wednesday we tracked an all time high 232,483 flights. It is likely today’s traffic will top that. Follow flights live at https://www.flightradar24.com/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/flightradar24/status/1539621011955634177
@Mehrad @raeaw I don't think so!
A doco or article I've seen said they just tried to increase viewing time at all costs and that lead to a lot of people going down the far right or conspiracy rabbit holes. They don't care about balance, only viewer ship. Turn on private browser on a public wifi and see what the generic recommendations are. What type of people is their default?
@raeaw was just complaining & you are just throwing problems & not contributing.
Techies would most like be boys, YouTube's early years would have used language and communication channels that would have attracted them. Just look at the origin stories of the top Youtubers. The algorithm would have used existing data to validate it's self leading to the basis. Would they have tried to correct the bias for all viewers or just females? What is the current ratio?
I am into science and climate activism. I love to learn about social issues and to challenge my own perspectives. I'm also into free and open-source software and I am back in University studying computer science.