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DanielTux boosted

⚠️ IMPORTANT: Users of Element Desktop/Web/Android, FluffyChat & Nheko should upgrade immediately to address a critical encryption vulnerability.

We are not aware of this being exploited in the wild yet, but as the bug is now disclosed please upgrade now.

Huhu! Das ist ja etwas leer hier bei dir... Follow, weil du "drüben" was geliked hast (Please consider the environment and print this out) und deine Bio dort sagt dass du n cooler Typ bist. 😎

DanielTux boosted


"I'll do it... but on one condition."
"What? Anything! The fate of the Free World is at stake!"
"We do it *my* way. 100% C++, no libraries, -j 1... we go in clean and come out hard. And if I see ONE goddamn line of #PHP or #Javascript, this whole deal's OFF!"
"You're a madman!"
"Maybe I am... but I'm the madman who can save the Presidents life, so... what's it gunna be?"
"This is crazy, I tell you. Crazy!... But dammit... fine."
"Oh and I use #Arch by the way."


"I find the juxtaposition of people arguing that the market will generally result in products being good while they themselves buy overpriced garbage to be deliciously ironic"

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

While K&R C is a good reference, I'd like to read about the compile-time and run-time linking. Compilation errors are usually easy to debug, but linking errors are mostly cryptic (to me). Why is the symbol missing if I'm providing the library? Where can I find the symbol? What are those dependencies listed by ldd on the simplest hello world? What does libstdc provide? And others?

Any good reading material?

#c #cpp #askfedi #askfediverse

DanielTux boosted

Auf Grundlage des Erbsenzähler-Artikels ( haben wir ein Video gedreht, was jetzt durch Hildmann & Co. massiv downgevotet wird. Positiver Nebeneffekt: YouTube empfiehlt uns auf der Startseite als Trend..
Hier geht es zum Video:

DanielTux boosted

Self-Hosting Resources Made Simple

Sharing is very appreciated.

:verified: Freedombox, fastest way to #selfhosting

📩 Mail In A Box, email selfhosting

:gnu: Yunohost, all-in-one selfhosting package

:nextcloud: Nextcloud Devices

👍 Awesome List

💚 Awesome Directory

📻 Podcast

#Yunohost #Freedombox #FreeSoftware

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DanielTux boosted

Every so often I go back and reread this because it's just so satisfying and fascinating:

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

Just found out @thelinuxEXP had their YouTube channel deleted by Google. Not the first time a creator of wonderful content has had this happen to them. Nick makes such great content, hope it gets resolved. He's been so supportive of TILvids for a long time, please spread the word to support him, and check him out on #tilvids if you want to catch his great content while it's not available on YouTube!


DanielTux boosted

Ich habe an die Veranstalterin des Europäischen Polizeikongresses unten angehängten Brief geschrieben, meine Teilnahme und fachliche Kongressberichterstattung durch mich abgesagt als Kondequenz auf die verweigerte Akkreditierung.

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DanielTux boosted

Some folks have asked about making a spam blocker for the #Pinephone . I made one here for #Phosh:

If the contact is not in your contact list (or you added it as "Spam), it will automatically hang up.

Also, it has some user configuration options to allow 1) blocked numbers, 2) a caller through if they call twice within 10 seconds, or 3) A way to look for a subset of a number (e.g. an area code, a number prefix) and let that through.

Let me know what you think of it!

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

@eliasr @someunexpectedsparks @staticvoidmaine

And the blue dot moves!!! :D

on a showing my location in in real time as I walk home.

And yes... I walked **slowly**, an did not walked straight, and the video quality is not the best. But hey it is a lot of progress :D

The space is a parking space close to home.

Credits go out to the several developers that worked on the different parts of the stack necessary for this to work.

DanielTux boosted
DanielTux boosted

Great work of explaining #FreeSoftware #compliance! Chinese maker Naomi Wu brought a Chinese company into #GNU #GPL compliance by visiting their office in person and talking to them. The video of that is here: #nt thanks @LaF0rge for the pointer!

DanielTux boosted
90 Prozent der Covid-19-Patienten in Kosovos Krankenhäusern müssen beatmet werden. Das bringt die Kliniken an die Belastungsgrenze. Ein Grund ist die sehr niedrige Impfquote im Land. Von Theresa Krinninger.
Coronavirus: Kosovos Kliniken droht der Kollaps
DanielTux boosted

Ich teile die Kritik an der E-Evidence-Verordnung vollumfänglich. Aber ich erwarte darüber hinaus, dass selbst ohne E-Evidence Patientendaten nicht unverschlüsselt in einer Cloud stehen und vom Cloud-Betreiber abgegriffen werden können.

DanielTux boosted
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