Will das @IM_NRW@twitter.com wirklich die Fehler von #HessenData wiederholen und die Überwachungssoftware #Gotham von @PalantirTech@twitter.com anschaffen?
Bekommt #Palantir dann auch in #NRW Zugriff auf das eigentlich interne Behördennetz?
#DAR /c
Hah. Slack is SaaD... Software as a Disservice.
Here's why: https://davelane.nz/why-slack-better-and-why-open-communities-shouldnt-use-it
Read all about how Todd Weaver and Brendan Eich reject Big Tech’s efforts to weaken California’s privacy law.
"Secure" messaging can mean something different for everyone. Ask these questions when you make choices about which messengers are right for you. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/03/thinking-about-what-you-need-secure-messenger
Review by our friends at the Denver Post:
Google Chrome has become surveillance software. It’s time to switch. https://t.co/1vEfs1s01j
Runs on Librem 5, Day 7
Annotated Note Taking with Xournal
RT @MartinSonneborn
600 Miilionen in den Sand gesetzt? Andi B. Scheuert kostet den Steuerzahler ja mehr als ich... Smiley! Wäre das nicht ein schöner Anlass für Ihren überfälligen Rücktritt, @AndiScheuer?
RT @openstreetmap
Has your OSM community considered hosting State of the Map 2020? How about upgrading your regional SotM conference to the global one @sotm? Find out why you should do so :) https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2019/06/25/host-sotm/ The call for venues deadline is 30th August 2019.
Even if it were possible to enforce a standard of “neutrality” on social media platforms, it would be deeply foolish for Congress to do it.
Deprecating a.out Binaries
"The thing that fascinates me about this is the insistence on continuing to support ancient features if even a single user is found who still relies on it. If even one person came forward with a valid use case for a.out, Linus would leave it in the kernel. At the same time, if no users step forward, Linus won't assume they may be lurking secretly out in the wild somewhere—he'll kill the feature." https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/deprecating-aout-binaries
@purism I think you guys should get in touch with ourgoodbrands.com.
Fairphone is already there 😉
Governments shouldn't be hosting in the public cloud:
⛔️ No control over access to your data
💽 Don’t know where your data is
💥 A single points of failure
🔕 You won’t know if you got hacked
🔪 No control over changes and features
Runs on Librem 5, Day 6 - Evince Document Reader, Opening a PDF
Hi @aral !
We've almost completed the crowdfunding of #Mobilizon (our not-so-secret project to get our events off Facebook!)
I think Mobilizon fits perfectly with the #smalltech concept.
However, as you know, we are struggling to make our actions known outside France, so - now that we don't need more money (we won't do "more" with "more money") - we need help to make the project known to non-French-speaking activists.
Can you help us?
⋅ https://framablog.org/2019/05/14/mobilizon-lets-finance-a-software-to-free-our-events-from-facebook/
This year's #Inkscape Cover Art Contest generated 24 entries from 22 Inkscapers around the world. Sanda Krstulović's was voted the winner by fellow members of the project's Facebook group. Read the Q&A with Sanda here: https://inkscape.org/news/2019/06/23/q-2019-inkscape-cover-art-winner-sanda-krstulovic/
We must put an end to warrantless digital device searches at the border.
“Regardless of whether you have embarrassing information on your device...it’s about personal autonomy and living in a free society and not a police state," says EFF's Sophia Cope. https://theintercept.com/2019/06/22/cbp-border-searches-journalists/
"The #platforms are fine if you want to talk about sports, relate your kids’ latest escapades or shop. But if you want to write about how platforms and govt legislation can’t tell the difference between #sextrafficking/ #sex, #nudity/ #pornography, #terrorism investigations/ terrorism itself or #copyright infringement/ #parody, you’re out of luck.
Any one of those keywords will give the filters an incurable case of machine anxiety—but all of them together? Forget it."
The problem isn’t bias; it’s censorship. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/06/sen-hawleys-bias-bill-would-let-government-decide-who-speaks
🗣️🇩🇪 🇬🇧
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Linux • KDE • Purism / Librem 5 fan