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Verlinkte Artikel im Fediverse, die hinter einer Paywall sind, sollten die entsprechend markiert und /oder gekennzeichnet sein? 🤔

(Boost für Reichweite wäre nett :boost_ok: )

#fediverse #mastodon #presse #medien #paywall #artikel #cw #boost

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I’ll say it again, because I broke my own rule and I’m reaping what I sowed:

Do not automate what you don’t know how to do manually.

Do. Not. Automate, what you don’t know how to do manually.

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When we say the is a mobile computer in your pocket, this is what we mean.

One of our customers (@primalmotion) hacks on custom versions of firmware for their which always runs the risk of temporarily bricking your computer.

When that did inevitably happen, they were able to connect their Librem 5 to their hardware flashing equipment and run the same tools you'd run on your Linux laptop to re-flash working firmware.

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Beat boosted

@ant @gnulinux Ich synchonisiere über 200 GB und habe keine Probleme.

Ich hoffe man kann den Artikel korrigieren. Der Prosatext ist keine Meinung, sondern als Fact geschrieben. Einige Facts lassen sich tatsächlich wiederlegen, andere zumindest relativieren.

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Beat boosted


I made a very very simple tool that makes some noise every time your computer sends data to Google. Here a demo on the official Dutch government jobs site. The noise starts while typing the domain name already. Code, currently Linux only:


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We love free software. With much thanks to the talented @SachaChua for illustrating the reasons. See for emacs news and more!

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By switching to Nextcloud, Stadtsparkasse München achieved high availability, scalability, DSGVO-compliant hosting from @HKN_DE, and much more.

Read more in this case study and get a detailed look at this success story!

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Yesterday our oldest son (8y) took part in his first . My wife tried to take pictures using a Sony mobile. It switched repeatedly camera and screen of after showing a message that it's too hot.
My sometimes shows the red blinking led to make me aware that charging and system(?) have been throttled because of the phone getting too hot, but it did never stop working for me.
The day has been very hot at over 36°C.
I could learn why, how and maybe change it. She can't. .

@Chaos_inc Digikam von KDE bietet etwas mit AI und Gesichtserkennung an. Ich habe es selber noch nicht gross ausprobiert.

@matrix Nice to hear. I hope Nextcloud will join somewhen.

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Beat boosted
Beat boosted

Okay, so: German court decided on Jan. 20th 2022 that sites will need to host Google fonts locally.

Visitors are otherwise entitled to receive 100€ in recompensation for Google fonts transferring IP numbers to Google servers.
Google uses fonts to track users, especially if they are logged into only one other server, where stored personal data might identify them.

Court decision text in German (Landgericht München)

#google #tracking #fonts #liability #germany #funny

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"The 7 deadly sins of programming"

submitted by Soggy_Word_52

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

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