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okay everynyan.

if you run pleroma develop and want to test the upcoming release, please update to the most recent develop commit (90e47d43578803cf74f760db7777cbaba50bb8d9) and test it out. Report bugs to the pleroma issuer tracker (


YouTube has banned the channel of the Vox political party in Spain.

This is a major new encroachment by Big Tech into the political realm.

Vox has 24 seats in the Spanish parliament and 3 in the European Parliament.

Should California leftists decide who is allowed to speak?


🌎 Former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, the country's first democratically elected leader, died while on trial for espionage charges, state-run media reported.

These walmart pride emoji are terrible I fucking hate it

Give me more please

After shutting off the angry notifications for a bit and having a private think, I retract my criticism of Tusky. So, some clarifications:

1. Obviously, I am against nazis. Fuck's sake, people can have complex opinions without being nazis

2. If Tusky had put an anti-nazi clause into their license, their software would be nonfree. Putting anti-nazi features into free software does not, however, make the software nonfree. Despite being usable by nazis I think free software is a good thing and nonfree software is a bad thing.

3. I would not have personally added such a change to my software, because I think it's immature and doesn't really solve the problem of nazis. In fact, it may exacerbate it. I maintain that there are much better ways to address these issues.

4. Anyway, Tusky is fine. It's dumb but it's fine.

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