Now listening to Eminem - Without Me #music
Let me just be more explicit: if your software cannot be used by nazis then your software is not free software.
This is not the correct place to fight hate speech. Block the instances. Report hate speech to the authorities. Settle it using the existing legal frameworks to do so, and if they are insufficient, then write to your lawmakers.
But if you support free software, it is not the place to address this issue, by definition.
This is an interesting new job by Georgetown University in Washington DC, United.
"Programmer/Software Developer For Anti Censorship Technologies"
Android Malware steals one-time passwords #security
The number of fraudulent and malicious domains are once again on the rise. #security
Microsoft PowerPoint's new AI tool, Presenter Coach, allows users to practice their presentations in front of an AI, which offers suggestions along the way. #technology
💲 Facebook announced on Tuesday that Libra, its global cryptocurrency, will officially launch next year alongside an underlying blockchain-based network to support it. #economy
Instagram is rolling out new features to help the owners of hacked accounts regain access to them. #security
In a commencement speech at Stanford on Sunday, Apple CEO Tim Cook referred to Facebook as a "chaos factory."
A live-streamed political press conference was derailed by an accidental cat filter. #politics #technology
The president appears to be accusing the New York Times of treason. #politics
Update your Firefox browser now, there’s an emergency patch you’ll want
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