RT @pcgamer@twitter.com
Mozilla may end up integrating Tor into Firefox for a new 'super private browsing' mode https://buff.ly/2Lzfk7L
moça, escuta, esse teu post
activista no insta é mentira
és feminista mas insultaste a minha amiga
disseste que era uma puta gostava de andar despida
não sejas invejosa tu mete-te na tua vida
ela não tem culpa que tu sejas mal comida
tu críticas mas também gostas de pixa
e é ironico que me chames a mim machista
Ganda Chico da Tina ahaha
♲ @joebraun@diasp.org: Normally, this could never pass constitutional muster. But that is why they packed the courts.
Do you think freedom of speech and the right to protest is guaranteed in the USA? Think again.
How many of you are willing to go to jail or die to protect the Bill of Rights?
Elections have consequences. The greater evil is a whole hell of a lot worse than the lesser evil.
We blew it.
And so it goes.
RT @brokeangeI@twitter.com
my guardian angels waiting for my next move
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/brokeangeI/status/1125936947359375360
RT @particulrh@twitter.com
rt if you're older than peter parker
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/particulrh/status/1125731675780968450
RT @MemesCentraI@twitter.com
It is today, my dudes
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MemesCentraI/status/1126361548870623232
RT @NayukiDani@twitter.com
Podemos chegar a um ponto da sociedade onde dar likes em fotos de alguém não é um big deal ? https://twitter.com/eugabyxxx/status/1125904010848997376
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NayukiDani/status/1126439151673511937
Quero comprar uma freedombox but I'm broke af
RT @wtvnevermind@twitter.com
Quero comprar um skate but i'm broke af
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/wtvnevermind/status/1126430887749591042
For those of you using Librem Chat on Android, the latest version (0.1.4) removes any code traces from trackers left behind in the upstream Riot codebase (we had disabled them before but the code itself was still there).
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