@MrsOstberg Bra val. Välkommen!
@Rheall Happy to hear that. Good job convincing them to move to the eh dark side.
@redragdolly Jag!
@anna Din blick sa allt det.
@torproject @privacyint Ask google? To stop being google? That seems very optimistic.
@warburtonstoryaddict Lovely! I wish you a happy new year outside facebook captivity. respect.
@Gina I dont know exactly what oliebollen is but it sounds good. Happy new year!
@DuckDuckGo ironically I am cookie-walled...
@bjorn Härligt att se ett svenskt tuut Björn. Jag har hittills bara skrivit svenska på pixelfed.se/arvid, men jag ska börja med det här också. Vill hellre prioritera lokala kontakter. Så följ mig.
@purism 2019 > Started doing more things offline and even without technology. Like leaving my iphone at home, asking people for directions and trying to remember what to buy without clouded checklist and reading real books. 2020 > Well, hopefully getting my librem5 right? ;P I will also do more to invite other people to come together in finding new ways to fight surveillance capitalism not only as individuals but even more importantly at the political level.
@skunksarebetter I love cmus ^^
@anna Snyggt!
"Ett vanligt sätt för nystartade teknikföretag att maximera tillgången till privatpersoners beteendedata är att erbjuda en plattform där material från en mängd olika källor samlats på en plats. Allt är åtkomligt från din dator, smartphone och padda. Du ska aldrig behöva vara utan. Om man endast ser till det låga priset och den bekväma tillgången till "allt" verkar det vara det bästa som har hänt sedan skivat bröd."
@anna eller hur värsta trollskogen.
@theprivacyfoundation I would love something like that! I sometimes search for software at https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Main_Page but they are not really ranking, it seems like more of a very narrow curated list of foss (glpv3 i think?) apps that the fsf says respect your "four freedoms". Cant say if its fair though. Ranking would be good for finding the lesser of two evils when you can't afford to be idealistically pure.
@Solarinas@niu.moe I use https://www.newsbeuter.org/
@Marno The code is now on https://gitlab.com/arvidmarklund/brutalist-blog-builder if you want to check it out!
I just wrote some python code for exporting playlists from CMUS to .m3u-format, to be used in my case in VLC for mobile on iOS. https://gitlab.com/arvidmarklund/cmus-playlist-exporter #cmus #vlcForMobile #playlists #foss #opensource
@pixelfed Anyone that works on iOS?
Rör mig bort från digital inlåsning. steg för steg. följ mig. #Stockholm #Sverige #surveillanceCapitalism #deGoogle