If you happen to be using Azure Active Directory Login for Linux in your Azure VMs, do not update the aadlogin package. It is broken for both Ubuntu and CentOS. The change to aad_certhandler in the latest version, released 2020-12-15, will break your AAD login. Rolling back to the previous version works for now.
Got most of the way through a migration from Fedora based TemplateVMs to Debian based ones. Having been at this whole Linux thing for quite a while it doesn’t really matter that much to me whether I’m using dpkg or rpm, but in general when the majority of machines I must manage for work are on a specific platform my personal use follows suit.
Today, the first production EV charger was provisioned into life using the security-focused service infrastructure I was originally brought to The Netherlands to design and implement. Now that this milestone has passed, I may have some time to finally do a write up of the process so perhaps others can reduce their IoT attack surface, and move devices into line with the principle of least privilege rather than the Everyone’s An Admin philosophy that seems to guide so many places.
Preventing Fragmentation with the Librem 5
"Fragmentation is a massive problem in computer software development that has only gotten worse with mobile computers."
Finished the fingerless mitts I started in... August? Been way too busy lately. Anyway, this is all handspun yarn. My friend did the white on the wheel I bought her, and I did the brown with a drop spindle I made out of wood from a big oak tree damaged in a hurricane years back.
This week’s dev-a-thon has been extremely productive and successful. My team is absolutely crushing every task I delegate. This has freed me to set process and procedures with the rest of the management team to reduce load on everyone. A lot of what has been implemented is focused on #security and we’ve made some huge improvements.
I like to work with my hands. That may mean hammering out solutions to complex problems in #Python or #Rust, building things in my shop, or spinning yarn to knit something warm. You’ll likely see some of all of that here. By day (and sometimes night) I keep >13k nodes and services alive in the Electric Vehicle sector.
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