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@dutchbarracuda were you thinking of setting up your own instance anytime soon or is it more of a long term aspiration? Because I was planning on moving to over the next couple of months, but if you're planning on starting one soon (and you want me!) I'd rather go with you

Jules boosted

Transphobia, child murder 

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Amongst a flurry of questionable bills being introduced in American states recently, a new piece of legislation in Montana would prevent scientific theories from being taught in schools.

I tried to warn you this would be next.

Jules boosted

#BBCLauraK asks #AndrewMitchell if, in some way, the government or some its ministers may have been responsible for #Knowsley

"There are accusations though that the government has created an environment where feelings against asylum seekers have been stirred up," she says.

(ahem) 🔽


Jules boosted

I can not stress enough how valuable and important it is to learn how to maintain and repair the things you own.

Not just cars, but washing machines, dryers, air conditioning, boiler, phones, computers, clothing, etc.

Obviously with electrical, gas and plumbing, learn it properly if you can through a course.

Regardless of how you learn, you'll gain the skills to keep things going that bit longer before you need a replacement.

#solarpunk #repair #reduce #reuse #recycle

Jules boosted

1/ Follow up to previous post about repairing.

We live in an amazing time of education. Not just academical, but skills.

I'm not just talking about things like Skillshare, that focus predominantly on digital skills, coding, editing, writing, etc. but traditional crafts as well.
Blacksmithing, welding, plumbing, electrical, construction, tailoring, weaving.

Need to repair an adobe wall? There's a youtube channel.

Need to rewire a socket?
There's a well written page.

Hate crime, murder, transphobia, racism 

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Hate crime, murder, transphobia, racism 

murder, hate crime, UK, Warrington, transphobia 

Jules boosted

The idealism of youth is an amazing thing. Google’s founders used to write essays about how immoral search results full of ads were and people used to call Microsoft “evil” because you couldn’t download the source code for Windows or Office.

It all seems so quaint now.

Jules boosted


Scientist Rebellion Belgium are blocking the private jet terminal of Brussels Airport along with our sibling group XR Belgium.

The emissions of the richest 1% vastly outstrip the emissions of ordinary people. This climate inequality must stop!


Jules boosted

You know who DOESN’T get to decide if the concept of “15-Minute Cities,” which supports MORE CHOICE, LESS CAR DEPENDENCY, and LOWER PUBLIC COSTS & CONSEQUENCES, is good public policy?

The same extreme alt-right conspiracy theorists and cynical political opportunists who brought us truck occupations in Canadian neighbourhoods, the January 6th Insurrection, & Brexit.

I won’t let their unhinged lies work. You shouldn’t either.

Jules boosted

Studio Apartment Available:
- Pet-friendly
- Located next to bridge
- No strings attached

@alexwild I did that with Andor spoilers and then wondered why no one was talking about Andor

Jules boosted

its very funny to post 'mastodon isnt viable because your admin can just have a meltdown' on elon musk's meltdown website

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"Hybrid work makes people better at their jobs, from commuting to ‘deep work.’ But companies aren’t doing it right"

@f00fc7c8 also alcohol is super toxic, and most strong herbal flavours are supposed to deter herbivores

Jules boosted

til that caffeine is a pesticide, and that's its evolutionary function in tea and coffee

humans enjoy eating a lot of different animal poisons don't we. chocolate too.

Jules boosted

It's getting less attention than the transphobia, but the antisemitism of JK's entire world, and in the game specifically, should also be condemned.

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