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Jules boosted

TIL that minus four degrees looks like a guy taking a shit.


Toot there it is.

#til #guy #shit

@dutchbarracuda I've wondered for a while now if someone smarter than me could make federation work with the Credit Commons idea

Jules boosted

An eyewitness account and some context from someone who took part in the protest defending against a mob whipped up by the in last night. This is where allowing the government's vile rhetoric and the lies of the rightwing press to flourish unchecked gets us.


Jules boosted

Until the US is safely walkable or bikeable, people will continue to buy urban tanks in self-defense.

Since my kids were three years old, they've known to raise their hand as high as they can and wave it around whenever they hear a car engine start.

Some strangers smile and wave back when they see my kids do this. They think it's cute! But it's not really that cute.

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I don't believe in gatekeeping. I believe that language changes and evolves according to our needs, and the only important thing is to be mutually intelligible, not to follow some arbitrary rules.

That being said I just overheard a student asking her friend if she was coming to something, and her friend replying "Potensh" and now I want to take off and nuke Exeter from orbit.

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

The sooner we can rejoin the single market & customs union to fix all these problems, the better: "Hundreds of seats left empty on London-Paris Eurostar trains due to Brexit"

Jules boosted

@XanIndigo you know about palaeoartist C. M. Kosemens sketches of how elephant/zebra/rhino and others look, if restored from found bones similar to how we did dinosaurs?

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Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Doubtless you've heard that "we all get the same 24 hours in the day." Of course it's not true: rich people and poor people experience very different demands on their time. The richer you are, the more your time is your own - not only are many systems arranged with your convenience in mind, but you also command the social power to do something about systems that abuse your time.


Jules boosted

<in Cabinet>

RISHI: Okay gang. Tomorrow, a former Labour MP is likely going to be convicted of serious crimes
ANDERSON: Dey should av 'ung him
RISHI: Yes thank you Lee. Now if-
CRAIG WILLIAMS: Sorry... but should that be 'hanged'?
RISHI: What are you doing?
WILLIAMS: The minutes


Jules boosted
Jules boosted

'The Wizard' Iceberg
Hooker Glacial Lake, Mount Cook National Park in New Zealand's South Island.
Icebergs here form daily and are constantly moving around the lake, changing shape and size.
This iceberg would not look like this even an hour later.

#NaturePhotography #wildlife #Ice #NewZealand #lake #Cook #Glacier #Mountain #River #Highland #NZ
#Iceberg #nature #photography #Snow

Jules boosted

You hear about the pressure to be clever online, but even before the internet you had to think of witty banter for the pauses in your sword fight

Jules boosted

@Unampho @thekernelinyellow

One of the funniest interactions I see online, is when Americans think it's inspirational that a young white US child is raising money not to buy themselves something, but to pay off their less privileged classmates' "school lunch debt."

US readers are like 🤗"Oh that's so precious! That sweet kid has a good heart!"

And EU readers are like 😮"Wait a minute... Go back a few steps... WTF is school lunch debt?! That's a real thing?! What is wrong with your country?!"

@balrogboogie @gingerrroot I always interpreted this as "Do your best but don't be smug about it because you've still caused harm somewhere" not "Don't bother trying at all"

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