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> "You should be able to speak about your identity and other people in your first language," they said. "It's like a little part of you is dying when you have to say it in English."

> Mx Gulliver said Welsh-speakers will understand if terms are explained, but the language barrier stops non-binary people from being confident in talking about their identity.

> "It's like you have to come out twice," they added.

@BethanyBlack Also this toot is giving me trauma flashbacks to the time I put cumin in my porridge instead of cinnamon

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Scientists left a hamster wheel in the woods, and wild mice, frogs even slugs had a wild time running in it. #Science #Mice #Rodents #Hamster

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‘Andrew Tate’s fans seem to admire and envy his image as a successful, fit, self-made man with an extravagant lifestyle. His crimes demonstrate, yet again, that sexism is not only a cultural issue but an economic one too.’ on the blog:

@BethanyBlack I'm not usually anal about kitchen implements, but I have a "sweet" wooden spoon and chopping board, and a "garlic, onion and chilli" wooden spoon and chopping board and it has honestly revolutionised my life. And I will descend on anyone using the wrong one for the wrong thing like a deranged shrieking harpy, or my Mum spotting someone using her sewing scissors for paper

@hastingsmothman yes Tetrapaks are so annoying and it's so hard to find plant milk in anything else. Maybe that'll be the innovation in the next decade!

@hastingsmothman as an aside this conversation has made me realise just how far plant based alternatives have come, ten years ago it was sometimes hard to get hold of soy milk and here we are today mentioning three different brands of oat milk and comparing their relative merits

@hastingsmothman I really like Plenish And ReRooted is probably the most ethical out there, with reusable glass bottles, but I found it splits in coffee and goes off really quickly compared to others

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Just realised how silly addressing the president as “Mr President” is.

Imagine doing it with any other job. You’d sound like a toddler.

“Hello, Mr Taxi Driver”
“Good morning, Mr Milkman”

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There is a new instance in town:

For climate scientists, scholars & educators as well as climate science projects.

#ClimateJustice #ClimateScience

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It's wild how computer programming went from exclusively women's work to "we're not sexist we just don't think women are interested in it" in like 40 years

@xtaldave I have to confess I clicked through to read "Essex gimp says the Somerset gimp is giving gimps a bad name", and have now read the word "gimp" so many times it no longer looks like a real word to me

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"This is going to have to be resisted on the streets, through campaigns and through industrial action. We can’t do that alone. We need everyone with us."

RMT unions Mick Lynch on why we must defend the right to strike

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The Government’s Storm Overflows Discharge Reduction Plan gives water companies until 2050 to clean up their act. That’s simply not good enough.

Join our campaign to stop sewage dumping here 👇

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Since #OurFlagMeansDeath has come to the UK, who wants to hear about gay marriage in the golden age of piracy? #ofmd

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RT @AdamBienkov
A reminder that last year Rishi Sunak's Government actually *reduced* its target for training new maths teachers by 27%.

Meanwhile, the latest stats suggest nearly half of all schools are forced to use non-specialists to teach kids because of a shortage of maths teachers.

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Look. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If Harry has a problem with his family then he needs to persuade the French to fund him, raise an army, invade and seize the crown.

What else was Brexit for, if not to restore traditional British approaches and values?

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