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Jules boosted
Jules boosted

@blindscribe @Cassana wood is a definite theme but I've no idea how it got knife, maybe the prow is pointed?

Jules boosted

Instead of saying "come to mastodon" link the person to a thread here where they would totally want to jump in and join the conversation.

"we were just talking about this here: ***link*** -- could really. use a perspective like yours."

It gives people a starting point and some people who are active and who they'd want to follow.

@Cassana I rather think it's the other way round and I'm his secretary. His name is Maxi

@Cassana A fluffy cat sitting, not lying, rather unhelpfully on top of an open diary and cleaning his front paw

Jules boosted

Turns out the key to solving the mystery of why Roman cement lasts longer than modern cement... was to stop underestimating ancient people.

"...samples of Roman concrete contain small lumps known as lime clasts that are not found in modern structures.

While these have previously been explained as arising from poor mixing of the mortar or other errors, the team suspected there could be other reasons."

Jules boosted

A conversation with my #son this morning —

George: I’m Alfred the Bloomin’ Marvellous
Me: Who is that?
George: He’s like Alfred the Great but better
Me: How?
George: He doesn’t burn his cakes!

#parenting #ParentingJoy

@Cassana that probably was a bit of an unusual one I guess, I just went with what was on my camera roll. How about this one, which is more conventional.

@Cassana gosh that is pretty unhelpful isn't it! It's a canoe made by my university's experimental archaeology department, a willow and hazel frame with a rawhide skin stretched over it. It's resting on a couple of wooden pallets, which may have been where the screen reader got that wood was important from

Jules boosted

If 2022 taught us anything, it’s that:

1. Denial won't end the pandemic
2. Public healthcare & education are worth saving
3. Workers deserve a decent wage & paid sick days
4. People always matter more than profits!

Let's act on these lessons in 2023.

Happy New Year. 🙏🏽

Jules boosted

Researching mines in northern Spain I came across this curious object. It's a canary cage designed to keep the canary alive in the event of a gas leak. If a miner saw the canary laying at the bottom of the cage it was time to abandon everything and leave the mine, but not without first closing the latched glass door and opening the valve of the oxygen bottle to save the bird. A miner would do that on their way out and take the bird with them. It's a signifier of the miner's legendary sense of solidarity, no lives lost to the mine on a miners watch. A solidarity that was also crucial in the fight for workers rights, creating safer and more humane working conditions, achievements of unionization and solidarity that some of us still enjoy today.

Jules boosted

I've thought about doing this for a while now.
#AltText is something I advocate for, as well as some other simple ways to make posts more #accessible and #inclusive. Let's make this #interactive.
Reply with a #photo or #image without alt text and I'll tell you what my #ScreenReader thinks it shows, as a practical #demonstration of inaccuracies, limitations and why alt text is better.
I can't promise how many I'll be able to do, but would like to do the first 10 or so.
#accessibility #blind

Jules boosted

There's something special about silver birch trees in #winter.

I find them particularly beautiful when there's a hard hoar frost. The delicate branch structures come alive and just look stunning.

Throw in a bit of golden morning light and you have a decent recipe to make a photograph.

This image is titled 'Lemon Sorbet'.

Hope you've had a great week. I always find it hard to get back into the routine in this first week back!

#photography #trees #woodland #landscapephotography #nature

Jules boosted

My new band is called "1023 Megabytes"? We are very good.. we just don't have a gig yet

Jules boosted

See this @Gargron ? People are telling me they see the Mastodon logo on my cat Bridget. #catsofmastodon

Jules boosted

I made the mistake of jokingly pronouncing LGBT as "el jibbity" and I guess that's just how I say it now

Jules boosted

Humanity has historically eaten 6,000 plants; now we eat mostly NINE: This is a great (scary) story from Bloomberg on how global diets have converged on a few crops in a few decades – with many alarming implications. Well told (super smart graphics!) #food #climate

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