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Jules boosted

"Self Care"

Is this hugely important concept that gets treated like a joke. I think a large part of that is the way that's it's been coded to be "for women" and what happens to things "for women?" They get devalued and trivialized.

Some of the people in most desperate need of improved practices of self care are men.

I was trying to think of a more masculine coded name for self care ... "mental hygiene" sounds... creepy and probably gross/evil. Thoughts?

Jules boosted

Dear academics: If you're allowed to email people copies of your paper if they ask, consider setting up a mail rule for yourself that autoreplied to any mail you receive with the DOI of a paper you wrote in the subject with a copy of that paper.

@adhdeanasl It's fine as long as you don't hold it there for 20 seconds or more

Jules boosted

You’re not supposed to put a Qtip all the way into your ear because that’s where the reset button is

Jules boosted

EU wants to require "easily" replaceable batteries:

> Three and a half years after the entry into force of the legislation, portable batteries in appliances must be designed so that consumers can easily remove and replace them themselves.

This is fundamentally pointed at Apple, but will apply to the whole range of overly-disposable gadgets.

Jules boosted

72 pencils arranged into four intersecting hexagonal prisms. Took me a bit to figure out how to assemble it after seeing a picture. Original design by mathematician/sculptor George Hart. #Geometry #Pencil

Jules boosted

@fencoul @fbpe

How the U.K. Became One of the Poorest Countries in Western Europe
Britain chose finance over industry, austerity over investment, and a closed economy over openness to the world.

@penwing At the risk of being a reply guy you know you can hide toots with words you don't want to see? I've hidden the names of all the shows I don't want spoliers for

Jules boosted

I love that everyone is basically wandering around Mastodon right now wearing their weirdest hashtags and trying to find their people.

"Are you #Apiarist ?"
"No, sorry, I'm #ArduinoMusic ."

#ArduinoMusic turns around.


A hand goes up in the back of the crowd.


Jules boosted
Jules boosted

The first day of winter is definitely coming in strong! It’s important to find unconventional beauty, even when the land is encased in ice.
#lichensubscribe #mosstodon #ice #macrophotography #magicworlds

Jules boosted

@catvalente I especially like this bit: "Us weird geeks making communities in the ether? We love. We love so stupidly hard. We try to be happy. We get enthusiastic and devote ourselves to saving whales and trees and cancelled science fiction shows and each other. The energy we make in these spaces ... people like Musk can never understand or experience, which is why they keep smashing the windows in to try and get it, only to find the light they hungered for is already gone."

Jules boosted

Yesterday, I told you the #IronAge was weird.... well, here's the categorical proof!

Yes, a #Torc with a knot in it! Yes, it would appear it's an Iron Age knot. We have absolutely no idea why someone would tie a knot in a torc (there aren't other known examples), but my suspicion is it was done because they could - this is not easy thing to do & my gut feeling is this is a goldsmith showing off their skill set.

But whatever it is, I love it! ❤️

#Archaeology #Gold #Torcs

📷 British Museum

Jules boosted

Me: I’m returning this ice “cube” tray. It makes cuboids

Cashier: you’re . . . cuboids?

Me: yes, rectangular parallelepipeds. Trapezoidal, really. clearly not functioning as advertised. how is this confusing

Cashier: you know what I was gonna quit today anyway

Jules boosted

Years ago I bought a collection of IBM Selectric Typewriter ‘golf balls’ (including some rarer ones) from a typewriter repair shop. Once upon a time this was how fonts were stored for the machine. The owner literally used his arm to shovel them into a cardboard box like he couldn’t get rid of them fast enough, in a shop full of hundreds of them. A good memory. #design #typography #typewriter #fonts

This is amazing. Paper retracted for low effort fraud, after someone spotted the error bars on its figures were just capital T's

Jules boosted

One of the benefits of #Mastodon being #OpenSource: The EU can help make it more secure.

"Awards of up to EUR 5000 are available for finding security vulnerabilities in LibreOffice, LEOS, Mastodon, Odoo and CryptPad, open source solutions used by public services across the European Union. There is a 20% bonus for providing a code fix for the bugs they discover."

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

The Ancient Egyptian for "cat" is 𓏇𓇍𓅱𓃠 or "mjw", a consonant-only representation of the onomatopoeic word... miaow.

#AncientEgypt #Cats #Miaow #Onomatopoeia #Linguistics

Jules boosted

We asked my 8yo if she knew what "ambidextrous" meant, and as she tried to figure it out, we heard her mutter under her breath, "It's not when two girls like each other...that's lesbians."

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