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Jules boosted

OLD THREAD REPOST on virgin birth (also including exploding penises and regicide)

It's time for the bees and the bees talk. This is everything you need to know about where baby bees come from.

Jules boosted

This is not a chart depicting Moore’s Law.

This chart is the CRAYOLA COROLLARY showing that the number of Crayola crayon colors doubles approximately every 18 years.

Jules boosted

Henrietta Lacks was a poor, Black, young mother diagnosed w cervical cancer in 1951. When her cells were collected w/o consent, scientists saw they multiplied remarkably fast.

“HeLa” cells changed #science. They’re used globally to study viruses, drugs, hormones, genes, diseases & develop vaccines. Lacks passed away at 31 w no recognition.

Rebecca Skloot’s beautiful book about her life & legacy is changing that. Now her statue will replace Robert E. Lee in NC. #history

Jules boosted

Elsevier appears to be collecting and monetizing our personal data, sometimes without our consent. The data they collect can be used to "extrapolate core working hours, vacation times, and other patterns of a person’s life."

What can we do?

Over 20,000 researchers are refusing to publish, review, or edit for Elsevier. You can also ask them to delete your "non-integral" personal data:

Article by @eikofried
#OpenScience @academicchatter

Jules boosted

Mexican honey wasps- and yes they do make honey!- look like you gave a hornet a week to become a honey bee and this is the best it could do.

#Wasps #Hymenoptera #Photography #Insects

Jules boosted

*arrives home, finds partner in bed with stranger*

Partner: “wait, I can explain everything.”

Me: “oh good, because I’m really struggling with the concept of quantum gravity. General relativity and quantum mechanics overlap but without an understanding of quantum gravity physics loses it’s logical consistency…”

Jules boosted

I feel like Mastodon is a better fit for me than those Other Places.

It is chaotic. It is a raucous barrel of anarchists and furries and commies and queers and furry trans queer ancoms and then this layer of blissed-out academics wiggling their eyebrows and then journos vainly trying to find other journos and then someone who invented TCP/IP as a jape and then her friend who invented stereo and then Jeff Minter.

Why isn't the rest of the net like this?


Jules boosted

These are male Afghani university students walking out of exams b/c the Taliban banned women.

This is the "woke" that so many in the US seem to fear: people who see injustice in the world and decide that standing against that injustice is worth some personal sacrifice.

Jules boosted

RT @RefugeesAtHome
“If strangers started bombing London, we’d want someone to do the same thing and give us refuge.” Lovely article @standardnews about hosted #Ukrainians preparing to celebrate. Happy to have helped:

@milvusscribe I want to say "You have my sword", but sadly I don't have a sword which is why I want this

Jules boosted

So you know those old Glamour Shot places in malls in the 90s?

I want one of those but for armor and swords and cloaks and stuff. All the fantasy props. Bows! Belts with pouches and potions and tiny accessories!

I want a photoshoot with hair & makeup & prop artists who will make me look like a badass who just stepped out of an epic fantasy novel.

Where do I go to make that happen??

Jules boosted

Money is the worst idol humanity has ever worshipped.

Reminder: the economy as we know it is an entirely MADE UP entity. GDP, as a concept, didn't really even exist until the 30s. Credit scores not until 1989.
We continue to live and die and steer our countries' wellbeing towards this dumpster fire of inequality, why?

Jules boosted

Universal healthcare and childcare are climate policies that allow the economy to shift faster and more nimbly.

A lot of people need to shift sectors, learn new things, go back to school, etc for the scale and pace of change we need.

Healthcare that's not tied to a job and reliable affordable childcare are change accelerators (among many other things).

Rhianna Gunn Wright said this so clearly in her many #GreenNewDeal articles and talks.

Jules boosted

I learnt a few years ago that in Iran, the winter solstice is celebrated with a festival called Shab-e Chelleh"Shab-e Chelleh ("night of forty") or Shab-e Yaldā ("Yalda night). It's marked by staying up late, reading poems and stories, eating red fruit and dancing.

I'm not Iranian and I'm useless at staying up late. I will share this track from a compilation of Iranian psychedelic funk, which happily is called Pomegranates. It's close enough.

Jules boosted

Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish he'll be buried in student loan debt and can't get a job with his fishing degree

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

This year, scientists at RBG Kew described a new species of flower, Victoria boliviana, or the giant Bolivian water lily. Its leaves can grow to a staggering length of 3.3 meters across (over 10 feet). Kew researchers observed it in the wild & confirmed its status with DNA. But a dried specimen turned up in Kew's collection, where it had been sitting over 170 years. More here:

Photo: RBG KEW

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Can we also take a moment to note that "woke", as used here, was originally a Black American term for being aware of systemic racism, and in just a few years, the US right turned it into a totally content-free sneer? And the entire English-speaking media basically just ran with it, to the extent that you now hear it used in _Finnish_?

Because that's white supremacy for you. Criticism, even awareness, of the racist power structure will not be tolerated.

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