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@OtherRyn that makes so much sense! I leave things I need to take with me by the door

Jules boosted

The older I get, the more aware I am that being critical rather than enjoying things is not a sign of intelligence or wisdom. Not loving things - movies, art, music, people, situations - because of their weaknesses doesn't make you better than them, it means you're unable to see past imperfections. Sure, some things absolutely are bad & should be left behind - but being hypercritical denies you joy. I need reminded of this every day. Too many things are legit bad to throw out good ones too.

Jules boosted

Everything and anything I make is free to bootleg, pirate, distribute, put in a zine, slap on a flyer, wheatpaste up, or whatever.

Jules boosted

I get the feeling this BBC journalist waited their whole life just for this moment.... 🤣

Jules boosted

‘Do you work in business?’ Sunak mocked for ‘excruciating’ exchange with homeless man

No words can describe how completely out of touch and insulting this is..

@billhulley I may have to order one, and then if it works I guess I have to marry Archimedes

Jules boosted

This jar of pickles has now defeated me, my father and my brother. I know my folklore, I'm going ti have to marry whoever can open it now aren't I?

Jules boosted

@scottaw Twitter would have been better with that feature IMO.

There is a nice proposal where you could check:

- everyone can QT me
- only those from my server
- only those I follow
- only those who follow me

This would kill the feature being used for most forms of dunking. And give people who get targeted in this way a line of defense.

Of course "dunking" could and currently is happening using other methods.

Jules boosted

These rusty sheep are sculpted from iron scrap, and have been allowed to rust and grow moss to mirror how the former industrial landscape of Blaenau Gwent is returning to a more natural state. You can find them at Parc Bryn Bach.
#Mosstodon #rust #industrialhistory #Wales #sculpture

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Jules boosted

Like Malcolm X, Nina Simone was a passionate activist and dedicated to the Black liberation struggle. She posed in this photo very intentionally as an homage to Malcolm. 🖤🙏🏿 #BlackFriday #BlackMastodon #Mastodon

Jules boosted

BREAKING: Shots fired at #Nakatomi Plaza in Los Angeles; possible hostage situation

Jules boosted

"Man Up, Hercules by Nikita Gill

When I was a child, my worst nightmare was to see my father cry. Until I was older, I never really thought nor asked why.

It occurs to me now that the world around me doesn't want men to feel. It emphasizes stoicism till they bottle up their feelings, only one part of them is allowed to be real.

And if ever one of them falters, 'man up' becomes the dark magic to charm them back into line. 'Man up' is that villain who shows up with lackeys 'grow a pair' and 'boys don't cry' uninvited to parties.

We tell our sons stories about heroes like Hercules, but forget to mention how Hercules' rage caused him to murder his entire family.

And by telling them stories where anger becomes the only acceptable way they can express themselves, we are teaching them shouting, punching, yelling is all they can ever do to release themselves from hell.

And this is how cursed phrases like 'man up' contribute to the greatest killer of men under 45.

Repression leads to depression, depression leads to trying to find ways to be alive and after years of being told not to feel, the only way to truly feel it all becomes suicide.

We have created nooses with words and watch passively as our sons tighten them around each other's necks.

So I will tell my son, I will say, Cry, let the dam burst, and let the rivers you are holding back run free. It will release everything that hurts you and finally you will be able to breathe.

The definition of who you are as a man is too powerful to be swayed by a phrase, it doesn't have to be proven through self-hate.

When they tell you to 'man up' look them in the eyes and just say, 'I will not, no.' Become the earth, the rebellion your heart needs for your love of yourself to grow."

-- "Fierce Fairytales", page 127

Jules boosted

#Browsers, time to bring back the RSS/Atom feed icon displayed when a website has an RSS/Atom feed. :rss:

It's long past-due!

Jules boosted

Wanna know what my main wish for Mastodon is?

Making credibility matter again.

I'm just so tired of living in a world where the people who do solid work posting factually solid and insightful material are quickly shunted aside for people who post attention-grabbing crap. Where the people who are proven right are shunned, and those proven wrong are still turned into celebrities.

It just depends on what kind of ethos we build here.

Jules boosted

For #FossilFriday check out this gorgeous #fossil #insect! This 49 million year old beauty is Pulchritudo attenboroughi, a #beetle found in the rocks of the Green River Formation, Colorado. what's particularly striking about this fossil is the pattern on its wing cases.

#palaeontology #paleoentology #entomology #arthropods #science

Jules boosted

@futurebird For some people, particularly in activism, it helps to call it "Treating yourself as you work to make sure others are treated." Like, if you spend your time making sure that people can have dignity and autonomy and wellbeing, that ought to include yourself.

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