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Jules boosted

Lifted from the PCS Union FB page.

Got to love a good old fashioned, home made placard.
Get your markers out! Looking forward to seeing more on #WalkoutWednesday 15 March

#pcsonstrike #BlameTheGovt #RightToStrike

Jules boosted

My child told me they need a topic for an argumentative essay they have to write for school.

I am happy to announce they are now writing an essay on how cash bail for non-violent offenses merely serves to deprive the poor of their right to a presumption of innocence and the ability to effectively defend themselves.

Jules boosted

If you are a person who is new to the fediverse, or who’s returning to explore after a while away, I can affirmatively say (as someone who has been here right from the start) that we’re all glad to have you, and excited to see what you share, and inspired by the new ideas you have for what’s possible here.

Jules boosted

Next year, please let the dandelions grow!
🐝 They support over 50 insects species
🐝 They're a great early season food source for pollinators including bees, butterflies and hoverflies
🐝 Birds eat the seeds in autumn
🐝 No need to mow
And please don't use weedkiller!
#nature #wildflowers #wildlife

Jules boosted

People who say “dogs know bad people!!!!” crack me up. Ma’am, my dogs think traffic cones are dangerous, I’m not overly inclined to trust their risk assessment modeling.

@XanIndigo genuine request for information, not trying to argue or anything, but why are you apologising for the Guardian link?

Jules boosted


Jules boosted

Are there any #queer people from #romania on this platform? I have a question regarding life and safety of visibly queer people and don't want to trust Wikipedia. Which indicates that the situation isn't too great.
Boosts and suggestions appreciated!

Jules boosted

What an incredible piece of journalism! This is how you write a balanced article on a subject mired in controversy — “balanced” and “both-sides” are not the same thing. This article doesn't compromise on accuracy or falls into the “if people believe it it must have some merit” trap.

I urge you to read this. It feels a bit repetitive in the first half, but worth reading through it all for its powerful conclusion

Jules boosted

Fun story! In the early morning, this coyote would grab a newspaper from a porch in its neighborhood and play with it for a bit. The delivery guy figured it would be better for everyone if the coyote destroyed a free newspaper instead, so he’d toss one into this little park for the coyote to play with.

#coyote #urbancoyote #wildlife #urbanwildlife #photography #wildlifephotography #urbanwildlifephotography #animalbehavior

Jules boosted

Pretty wild how Black people just used the phrase “stay woke” to mean “keep paying attention to what’s happening out there” and white conservatives were so mad about it that they decided it must be some kind of political ideology for them to oppose.

Jules boosted

🇬🇧 Users in the UK will no longer be able to share or see images of migrants crossing the Channel in small boats.
Under a new #OnlineSafetyBill amendment, online platforms will have to proactively remove such content.
Read more from @openrightsgroup:

Jules boosted

The problem with capitalism is how it distorts the natural balance of Fucking Around & Finding Out by creating a class that is allowed nearly infinite fuckery with zero finding out

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Archway view from Glastonbury Tor this morning. A chill wind in the air and frost on the ground.
#glastonburytor #somerset #archway #glastonbury #sunrise #sunrisephotography

Jules boosted

@rozenberg Like many others, I’ve been horrified to read about the climate activist who was told he couldn’t use the climate crisis as a justification for his actions, and has now been imprisoned for contempt of court. I’m struggling to see how this is anything other than terrible, but feeling limited by my lack of legal knowledge. Can you comment? Did the judge have any kind of rationale? Is there a realistic prospect of appeal? @RichardJMurphy has called it fascism: do you agree?

Jules boosted

Full Fact have checked the claims by various newspapers, claiming almost £7 million a day is spent on hotels for people who arrived in the UK illegally.

But this figure includes money being spent on accommodation for Afghan refugees who arrived via legal resettlement schemes.

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