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Jules boosted
Jules boosted

People grumbling that #Mastodon is slow at the moment... You just turned up with 1 million people in a tiny, rural village and you're complaining there's a queue to get into the only tearoom, which is run by gay pensioners Babs & Maureen as a retirement hobby on Mons-Weds. Relax!

Jules boosted

Through the burning of fossil fuels, humans have released more carbon into the atmosphere than is contained in all of the plants currently living on Earth.

More than half of this has occurred since 1990.

We are transforming the Earth and the atmosphere on a truly massive scale.

Reforestation, and other natural solutions, will never match the scale of the problem without substantial emissions reductions.

#ClimateChange #FossilFuels #Carbon #CarbonDioxide

Jules boosted

This Twitter fiasco is a reminder of who is *actually* critical to the survival of our economy & society.

Twitter worked before the billionaire got here. Now that workers are gone, Twitter is collapsing. Workers made Twitter work—a billionaire broke it.

Workers > Billionaires

Jules boosted

My heart goes out to all those system admins who were thinking "wow this is kinda neat" and are suddenly holding a piece of communication infrastructure other people are intent on depending on.

Jules boosted

A lightbulb moment for me on @aral recent stream is that Musk now has access to *everyone's* DMs. Like every politician. Or CEO. Or activist. Now what's that worth to some other countries?

$44bn suddenly seems like good value...

Jules boosted

If some rich dude can buy the public square, then it wasn't the public square.

Jules boosted

I used to be part of an online community who would parody propaganda, so I have a soft spot in my heart for posters like this. #solarpunk by Murphy Parys.

Jules boosted

You know what grinds my gears? So much of #permaculture is focused around the assumption that you own land or have access to at least a yard. It's the whitest thing ever. My landlord cut down the mulberry tree outside our house because it was "in the way". Most of us working class people don't have control over the green space adjacent to our houses or apartments and it's framed as us being ignorant people who are failing to prepare ourselves for collapse. Class consciousness PLEASE

Jules boosted

A number of people have asked me if I think that governments should run Mastodon instances for citizens. There may be exceptions, but I don't think governments should be in this business, for a variety of reasons.

However, I do think that *Libraries* would be *amazing* hosts for public federated social media communities. Just sayin'.


Jules boosted
Jules boosted

This man's name was misinterpreted by white men. It actually meant that this man was so feared as a warrior that even his horse inspired terror.

He was a notable Sioux warrior who served on diplomatic delegations to Washington.

We profile Young-Man-Afraid-of-His-Horses in our next newsletter.

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Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Curious why we aren't seeing more #protest at #COP27? Check out this new piece in @Wired where we talk about how the target of #climate #activism has shifted (and why)

@dutchbarracuda I was also drawn to solarpunk after getting a bit depressed that everything I read, watched and played seemed to be imagining a dystopian future. I kind of need to imagine an optimistic future built by curious and creative people who respect nature to keep going really!

Jules boosted

In my time working on decentralized social networks, here's a strange paradox:

1. The people with no money have something usable now, along with people who actually use it
2. The people with money have nothing usable now, and no one likely to use it

This is one of the few times that VCs and billionaires have been caught with their pants down.

And I'm here for it!

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Jules boosted

@Blackgirlinmaine So, one of the neat things I've learned which wasn't immediately apparent to me when I started using Mastodon was that Mastodon is one out of a number of different app interfaces that are able to share data between them because they all use something called ActivityPub to talk to each other. Mastodon looks kinda like Twitter, Pixelfed looks like Instagram, Friendica looks like Facebook, and there are others... and there are also forks of these projects that have been created with specific UX (user experience) preferences in mind.

When people talk about the Fediverse, they're talking about all of the apps that can talk to each other.

WordPress even has an ActivityPub plugin so you could share your feed from your blog direct to be followed off of the Fediverse apps.

At the stage of development that the Fediverse is in, I think the needs of some marginalized groups have been prioritized over others just based on who's been involved so far in the development and steering of these projects. There are a lot of established communities within this network whom have prioritized the needs of trans folks and autistic folks in particular (this is the origins of a lot of the Content Warning requests that initially turned off a lot of black users who dipped a toe in here).

I think there's a lot of potential for the Fediverse apps within the black community, especially in the non-profit and community organizing sphere, but I'd like to see more black developers and black thought leaders involved in the conversation of where social media needs to head next, as from what I can tell... The black community has social media norms, fears, hopes and dreams that may be unique to the black community that those of us who aren't black can't anticipate.

The good news is open source software is free and modifiable, so it's a matter of initiative to make it work for your needs.

I hope that makes sense...

Jules boosted

I collect vintage insect illustrations from old books. I’ll be posting some of my favorites here. This is the endplate from an old version of “How To Know The Grasshoppers, Cockroaches And Their Allies
by Jacques R. Helfer”

@thegiftofgabes @yatagarasu hyper local based on whatever plants thrive nearby, but the cultural importance of sharing food would be universal. But I always want to know about fantasy plants and fantasy food when playing a game!

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