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Jules boosted
@habichthorn Mit einer Instanz auf den Macroblogging-Plattformen #Friendica und #Hubzilla hält man Kontakt ins gesamte #Fediverse, auch zu dem Urgestein #Diaspora.
Jules boosted

Here's your irregular reminder that:

Twitter was a multi-billion dollar company with thousands of employees.

Mastodon is a niche hobbyist product run by volunteers

The fact that we're being seen as a viable alternative to them is an admission that a federated, decentralized future is not only possible, but desirable.

Mastodon is not one thing, or one place. It's a network of many things and many places. We don't have a spokesperson (I mean, there's me. I'm the official spokesperson for 💯 of the fediverse, but beyond me there is no spokesperson) we don't have consensus on moderation or blocking or tools or what is good and what is bad. Some of us are professional SREs and Sysadmins, some of us aren't. Some of our instances have been around for 5+ years, some won't be here in six months.

And that's good! All of it, every last bit of it is good.

We're wrestling power away from the billionaire class, in real time, and reclaiming it for the People.

Jules boosted

The collapse of Twitter for (basically) self-inflicted reasons makes a strong case for building online infrastructure structured as a non-profit or public utility.

People rely on these platforms for public information, use them for democratic debate and many invest their livelihoods in them.

These platforms are too important to public safety, peoples’ livelihoods and democracy to leave in the hands of eccentric billionaires or the whims of stock markets.

@andygreenphd how long ago did you do this? It may just be taking a while for your profile to update because your server is busy with an influx of new people.

@ClaireCopperman cats are definitely an example to us all when it comes to boundaries! My little guy likes hugs, cuddles and brushies, but strictly on his own terms only

@WilliamNB WillCycle is powered by Worpress right? Have you considered installing the ActivityPub plugin to allow it to be followed directly from here? (because I'm curious but want to know if someone else more experienced has done it first!)

@ClaireCopperman up to you (and this wasn't aimed at you, I didn't notice it in your post, I've just been seeing it a lot!) But edit is only available in some clients so if you don't have it that may be the best way to do it

Or alternatively, my voice is no more important than anyone else's here, can we have a conversation about the implications and decide collectively whether we should?

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Jules boosted

Here's another of my #graphicDesign s for #HumanRights 

Which isn't to minimise how important Twitter has been for making connections and finding community for marginalised groups, but still please can we not?

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I know has been a massive problem on Mastodon lately, erm, but I'm going to do some anyway: the use of the word for people fleeing Twitter feels particularly insensitive at the moment given the horrific treatment of people seeking sanctuary at lately

Jules boosted

If you follow @PleaseCaption then, when you forget to add alt-text to your image, the bot will politely dm you and give you a nudge.

UK Politics; Voter Suppression 

Jules boosted

UK Politics; Voter Suppression 

They're doing some amazing work using carbon credits for the the forests they steward to buy back more of their ancestral land (although "buy back" is probably the wrong way of phrasing it given that someone essentially came along and said "we're instituting a system of land ownership and making ourselves the owners of this land you live on, if you want rights to it your grandchildren will have to pay us for them")

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Incidentally I first learned about the Klamath River Renewal project through the awesome podcast How to Save a Planet ( - the local Yurok tribe have been fighting for a long time to restore the river that forms part of their ancestral lands

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Some good news for the weekend:.

"A US agency seeking to restore habitat for endangered fish gave final approval on Thursday to decommission four dams straddling the California-Oregon border, the largest dam removal undertaking in US history."

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