@gnuntoo Yes, it did exist. I purchased one. It is ok, it is on an early next version of PureOS with PureBoot. Considering the struggles of Purism money wise, I am not sure the long term picture of any of their products.
James Gosling, creator of Java, announced that he is retiring
@headius An end to an era! I miss the old Red Hat/JBoss team that would have taken on these sorts of investment for the betterment of the wider JVM ecosystem.
I bet it will turn out for the better. When Red Hat laid off the OptaPlanner developer, he was able to successfully turn it around into a successful company. Tip: just add AI all over your company page and then reap the success 😉
@rmader This is amazing. I can't wait to use the same camera app on my phone as on my desktop.
@frankel openHAB may not be as popular these days but the one neat thing about it is that it is written in Java
@Rusty 🤣
The next release of GNOME will be amazing! I have wrote up many features one can expect to see landed here.
Number of days over 35 C surges in world's scorching capitals
Delhi alone documented its longest and most severe heatwave in 74 years, registering 39 consecutive days with maximum temperatures at or above 40 C (104 F) from May 14 to June 21.
Jakarta experienced the greatest absolute rise in the number of days over 35 C, from 28 days between 1994 and 2003 to 167 in the most recent decade.
Seoul, South Korea, went from nine days to 58, while Buenos Aires went from seven days to 35.
@75watt This is only for those who submit reports on ProtonDB. This represents the distro of interest for enthusiast gamers and wouldn't provide insight into the wider Linux desktop usage. It is still neat to see that enthusiasts are gravitating to Fedora 🙂.
More than 60% of those surveyed said they posted fake jobs “to make employees believe their workload would be alleviated by new workers.” 62% of companies said another reason for the shady practice is to “have employees feel replaceable.” #Work #WorkLifebalance #Hiring #Jobs https://qz.com/companies-posting-fake-job-listings-resume-builder-1851556777?utm_content=1851558179&utm_source=email&utm_medium=Quartz_At_Work
@nokyan Gosh, this is leagues above GNOME System Monitor. I hope this makes its way to GNOME core app's one day so millions can enjoy it.
@jzb Sadly, most LUGs I gave see are often run by the most technical/knowledgable of the group and those folks are the most tight on time. Adding to another calendar is just time consuming. Yes, automation can help on our end but that requires more time to build/test and maintain.
@cassidy I so agree and this is so sad. It doesn't help that the most popular Linux distribution doesn't even use Flatpak/Flathub which makes ISV's hesitant to support a format that isn't truly widespread.
The more Fedora and other Flatpak based distributions gain in marketshare, the better for the whole ecosystem. However, Fedora (Red Hat) doesn't invest in much needed areas like System Recovery and Snapshotting/Boot-to-Snapshot capabilities that is needed for home user use.
@jzb Still leading the LUG in my home city. We are growing. We can grow much faster if we had a website and marketed ourselves more.
Finished my (somewhat crappy) guide on getting #affinity working on Linux using @usebottles
@ivar_grimstad Great news 😁
@Cfkschaller I didn't know that Red Hat is ok with committing resource for Fedora to succeed when it doesn't align with RHEL.
With GNOME really closing the gap with proprietary operating systems. Most of the remaining major technical blockers for Fedora widespread adoption is now at the Distro layer. I hope Red Had funds the following activities one day.
* System Recovery
* Factory Reset
* Snapshotting and Boot-to-Snapshot
#Microsoft has long downplayed its role in the 2020 "SolarWinds" attack -- one of the largest #cyberattacks in US history -- but a new ProPublica investigation reveals that the #tech giant ignored warnings that could have stemmed the damage. (THREAD)