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Adil Arif boosted

When I joined #Mastodon less than 8 months ago, I did not think I would become attached to it so fast — finding readers & teachers & a community I’m proud to be part of.

Thank you, #Fediverse for all your support & may we continue to grow together 🙏🏼✨

#gratitude #SocialMedia #community #books #reading #WritingCommunity #life #CreativeToots

From: @Katiame

@mreinhold One of the biggest releases in recent memory 😄️. I ❤️ Loom.

@Cfkschaller There seems to be a lot of changes happening within the Desktop (or is it now Display Systems) team at Red Hat. I hope you will be able to find the time to post about the new direction in a blog. Thank you!

Adil Arif boosted

Librem 5 Phone - Review

My review of the Librem 5 after using it for 4.5 months, published to my Gemini capsule.

Gemini - gemini://
Https -

Adil Arif boosted

💡Tip of the day: `curl` has a `--json` option now instead of having to set the content type manually.

$ curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/my-api" --json '{"hello": "world"}'

Adil Arif boosted

Speaking of which, hot new robots.txt entry just dropped:

User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /

@devrtz Definitely a great presentation! Thank you @purism for being a major part of pushing Mobile Linux forward.

@cassidy Yeah, I can see how brand recognition and sheer financial strength can help make big inroads into a market. Hopefully as Endless Foundation wins more school districts, their reputation will grow leading to a positive feedback loop.

@cassidy More specifically EndlessOS not necessarily the key.

@cassidy There is real value proposition to Endless in the marketplace. Hmm, I wonder why adoption isn't growing faster?

@karolherbst You are truly what legends are made of ✨️ . Thank you!


This is a day that will be long remembered 📚️. Once NVK matures, so many people's first impressions of Linux will dramatically improve.

Words cannot express how huge of an event this is. Thank you for making a massive difference. 🎖️

@allanday By far the best GNOME Design State of the Union talk in recent years 🤩️. Thank you!

@myfear JEP 444 is so incredibly exciting.It is great to see these multi-year mega projects like Loom is starting to land.

Adil Arif boosted @mattdm Any sort of new hiring efforts around Fedora is amazing news. 🎊️

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Librem Social

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